
Sistematični pregled vpliva peroralnega dodajanja vitamina D na simptome depresivnih motenj pri odraslih
ID Štefanec, Eva (Author), ID Mravljak, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Depresivna motnja je motnja razpoloženja in je najpogostejša duševna motnja na svetu. Vpliva na spremembe v razmišljanju, počutju in pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih dejavnosti. Vitamin D ima pomembno vlogo pri obnovi ravnovesja živčnih prenašalcev, ki so udeleženi pri nastanku depresivnih motenj. Zanimalo nas je, kakšna je povezava med peroralnim dodajanjem vitamina D in zmanjšanjem tveganja za nastanek depresivne motnje pri odraslih in kakšen je vpliv dodajanja vitamina D na simptome depresivne motnje pri odraslih, ki že trpijo za depresivno motnjo, pri čemer smo ugotavljali, ali se ta vpliv razlikuje glede na začetno raven serumske koncentracije 25-hidroksivitamina D. Da bi odgovorili na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja, smo izvedli sistematični pregled po priporočenih postavkah poročanja za sistematične preglede in metaanalizne protokole. Literaturo smo poiskali v podatkovnih bazah PubMed in Web of Science s pomočjo iskalnih nizov. Ob upoštevanju vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev smo izbrali 20 randomiziranih kontroliranih študij. Kakovost študij smo ocenili s kontrolnim seznamom za randomizirane kontrolirane študije, objavljenim s strani združenja Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. Izvedli smo analizo raziskav glede na posamezne parametre, kjer smo primerjali državo in leto objave izbrane študije, načrt raziskave, odmerek in čas trajanja intervencije ter podatke o udeležencih raziskave. Raziskave smo nato razdelili v štiri skupine, ki smo jih med seboj primerjali na podlagi izraženosti depresivne motnje in glede na nivo serumskega 25-hidroksivitamina D ob vključitvi v raziskavo. Ugotovili smo, da dodajanje vitamina D pri odraslih brez depresivnih motenj najverjetneje ne vpliva na verjetnost razvoja depresije, neodvisno od začetne serumske koncentracije 25-hidroksivitamina D. Kljub temu pa bi dodajanje vitamina D lahko imelo pomemben vpliv na zdravljenje ali lajšanje simptomov depresije pri bolnikih z zmerno do hudo depresivno motnjo in zadostnimi vrednostmi serumskega 25-hidroksivitamina D. Nekatere študije nakazujejo na povezavo med dodajanjem vitamina D pri odraslih z nizko koncentracijo serumskega 25-hidroksivitamina D in simptomi depresije, vendar mi te povezave nismo potrdili. Predlagamo izvedbo nadaljnjih raziskav pri posameznikih z depresivnimi motnjami, pri čemer svetujemo standardizacijo raziskovalnih metod in harmonizacijo populacij. Heterogenost raziskav je prispevala k neenotnim ugotovitvam v naši nalogi.

Keywords:vitamin D, 25(OH)D, depresivne motnje, peroralno, odrasli
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161397 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A systematic review on the oral vitamin D supplementation effect on the symptoms of depressive disorders in adults
Depressive disorder is a mood disorder and is the most common mental disorder worldwide. It causes symptoms that affect how a person feels, thinks, and carries out daily activities. Vitamin D plays an important role in restoring the balance of neurotransmitters involved in depressive disorders. We were interested in the correlation between oral vitamin D supplementation and the reduction of the risk of depressive disorder in adults and the effect of vitamin D supplementation on depressive symptoms in adults already suffering from depressive disorder, and whether this effect varies according to the baseline serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level. To answer the research questions, we conducted a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. We searched the PubMed and Web of Science databases for literature using search strings and selected 20 randomised controlled trials, taking into account inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the selection, we assessed the quality of the studies using the checklist for randomised controlled trials published by the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. We analysed the studies according to individual parameters, where we compared the country and year of publication of the selected studies, the research plan, dosage and duration of the intervention, as well as data about research participants. The studies were then divided into four groups, which were compared on the basis of the severity of depressive disorder and the initial serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level. We found that vitamin D supplementation in adults without depressive disorders was unlikely to affect the likelihood of developing depression, independent of baseline serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Nevertheless, vitamin D supplementation could have a significant impact on the treatment or alleviation of depressive symptoms in patients with moderate to severe depressive disorder and sufficient serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Some studies suggest a correlation between vitamin D supplementation in adults with low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and depressive symptoms, but we have not confirmed this. We suggest that further research should be conducted on individuals with depressive disorders, and we advise standardisation of research methods and harmonisation of populations. The heterogeneity of research has contributed to the inconsistent findings in our thesis.

Keywords:vitamin D, 25(OH)D, depressive disorders, oral, adults

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