
Vpliv zaviranja katepsinov B in X na fenotip tumorskih matičnih celic
ID Torkar, Petra (Author), ID Mitrović, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih letih so dosegli pomemben napredek v diagnostiki in terapiji raka, kljub temu pa pri mnogih bolnikih še vedno pride do pojava odpornosti na terapijo in ponovnega pojava bolezni. Slednje lahko pripišemo majhni populaciji tumorskih matičnih celic (TMC), subpopulaciji celic, ki so intrinzično odporne na večino obstoječih terapevtskih pristopov. Ciljanje TMC bi bila lahko učinkovita strategija za premagovanje omejitev obstoječe protitumorne terapije in preprečevanje ponovnega pojava raka. Cisteinski lizosomski peptidazi, katepsina B in X, predstavljata obetavni molekulski tarči, saj sta udeležena v ključnih procesih nastanka in napredovanja raka. Povečano izražanje katepsinov B in X je pri raku povezano z manj diferenciranim celičnim fenotipom in spreminjanjem fenotipa tumorskih celic med epitelnim in mezenhimskim. Za uspešno vključitev katepsinov B in X v nove terapevtske pristope zdravljenja raka je pomembno razumeti vpliv njunega zaviranja na spremembe fenotipa TMC. TMC smo izolirali iz celičnih linij MCF7, MDA-MB-231, in MCF-10A neoT na podlagi njihove sposobnosti tvorbe tumorskih sfer. Z metodo RT-qPCR s specifičnimi oligonukleotidnimi začetniki smo pokazali, da je izražanje katepsinov B in X v TMC, izoliranih s tvorbo tumorskih sfer, povečano v primerjavi z diferenciranimi tumorskimi celicami pred izolacijo TMC. Z zaviranjem katepsinov B in X s specifičnimi zaviralci smo nato ovrednotili vpliv na izražanje genov za tumorske označevalce, ki so pri TMC spremenjeno izraženi, z uporabo njihovih ustreznih oligonukleotidnih začetnikov. Pokazali smo, da z zaviranjem katepsinov B in X vplivamo na fenotip TMC, saj pride do zmanjšanja izražanja označevalcev TMC. V izoliranih TMC smo ovrednotili tudi vpliv sočasne terapije z zaviralci katepsinov in konvencionalnim kemoterapevtikom 5-fluorouracilom na izražanje označevalcev TMC. Pokazali smo, da pri nekaterih kombinacijah 5-fluorouracila in zaviralca katepsina B ali X pride do sinergističnega učinka in dodatnega zmanjšanja izražanja označevalcev TMC. V okviru magistrske naloge smo tako pokazali, da z zaviranjem katepsinov B in X zmanjšamo izražanje TMC označevalcev, s čimer zmanjšamo matičnost TMC in s tem delujemo tudi na TMC, ki so odporne na večino obstoječih terapevtskih pristopov. S tem smo dodatno potrdili katepsina B in X kot potencialni terapijski tarči v protirakavi terapiji.

Keywords:rak, tumorske matične celice, katepsin B, katepsin X, zaviralci katepsinov, fenotip tumorskih matičnih celic
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161391 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Title:Effect of cathepsin B and X inhibition on cancer stem cell phenotype
Significant progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in recent years. However, many patients still suffer from treatment resistance and cancer recurrence. This can be attributed to a small population of cancer stem cells (CSCs), a subpopulation of cells that are intrinsically resistant to most existing therapeutic approaches. Targeting CSCs could be an effective strategy to overcome the limitations of current cancer therapies and prevent cancer recurrence. The lysosomal cysteine peptidases, cathepsins B and X, represent promising molecular targets as they are involved in key processes of cancer development and progression. Increased expression of cathepsins B and X in cancer is associated with a less differentiated cellular phenotype and the transition of cancer cells between epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypes. To successfully incorporate cathepsins B and X into novel therapeutic approaches for cancer treatment, it is critical to understand the effects of their inhibition on CSC phenotype changes. We isolated CSCs from the MCF7, MDA-MB-231, and MCF-10A neoT cell lines based on their ability to form tumor spheres. Using RT-qPCR with specific oligonucleotide primers, we demonstrated that the expression of cathepsin B and X is increased in CSCs isolated by tumor sphere formation compared to differentiated cancer cells prior to CSC isolation. By inhibiting cathepsins B and X with specific inhibitors, we then investigated the effects on the expression of genes for cancer markers differentially expressed in CSCs using appropriate oligonucleotide primers. We showed that inhibiton of cathepsins B and X affects the phenotype of CSC, as it leads to a reduction in the expression of CSC markers. We also evaluated the effects of combined therapy with cathepsin inhibitors and the conventional chemotherapeutic 5-fluorouracil on the expression of CSC markers in isolated CSCs. We showed that with some combinations of 5-fluorouracil and cathepsin B or X inhibitors, a synergistic effect occurs that further reduces the expression of CSC markers. In this master thesis, we demonstrated that inhibition of cathepsin B and X reduces the expression of CSC markers, thereby reducing the stem cell capability of CSCs and targeting CSCs that are resistant to most existing therapeutic approaches. This confirms cathepsins B and X as potential therapeutic targets in cancer therapy.

Keywords:cancer, cancer stem cells, cathepsin B, cathepsin X, cathepsin inhibitors, cancer stem cell phenotype

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