
Avtomatizacija skladišča s portalnim robotom in krmiljenjem Raspberry Pi
ID Tasič, Matic (Author), ID Šimic, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herakovič, Niko (Comentor)

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V sodobnih proizvodnih procesih avtomatizacija, prilagodljivost in učinkovitost postajajo ključni dejavniki za optimizacijo procesov. Modularna zasnova proizvodnje omogoča večjo fleksibilnost, kar pripomore k boljši prilagoditvi spreminjajočim se proizvodnim potrebam. V diplomskem delu se osredotočamo na zasnovo modularnega skladiščnega sistema in programiranje le tega za izvedbo strežnih in logističnih procesov s pomočjo robotske roke na drsni tirnici. Eden od glavnih ciljev naloge je bila zamenjava načina krmiljenja robotske roke na drsni tirnici. Do sedaj je bilo krmiljenje izvedeno s programskim okoljem Dobot Studio. V sklopu naloge smo krmiljenje izvedli s pomočjo krmilnika Raspberry Pi. Program je izdelan v programskem jeziku Python s pomočjo knjižnice »Dobot Python«. Izdelal se je program za pozicioniranje palete na sprejemnem mestu, strege materiala v skladišče ali na paleto in za potiskanje ali odvzemanje palete na in z avtonomno vodenega vozila. Zasnovali smo orodje s katerim robotska roka, s pomočjo vakuumskega prijemala, manipulira paleto, na pozicionirno mesto. Za varen in zanesljiv prenos materiala je ključnega pomena natančno pozicioniranje materiala na sprejemnem mestu, kot tudi v samem skladišču. V ta namen smo zasnovali ustrezno pozicionirno mesto za paleto. Tako paleto kot skladišče smo prilagodili potrebam in zahtevam po natančnosti pozicioniranja.

Keywords:avtomatizacija, robotika, skladiščenje, krmiljenje, strega, Raspberry Pi, Python
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[M. Tasič]
Number of pages:XI, 37 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161389 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:213310211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Title:Automation of warehouse using the portal robot and Raspberry Pi control
In modern manufacturing processes, automation, adaptability, and efficiency are becoming key factors for optimizing workflows. Modular production design enables greater flexibility, which helps better accommodate changing production needs. This thesis focuses on the design of a modular warehouse system and its programming to perform handling and logistics processes using a robotic arm on a sliding rail. One of the main objectives of the project was to change the control method for the robotic arm on the sliding rail. Previously, the control was carried out using the Dobot Studio software environment. As part of this thesis, the control was implemented using a Raspberry Pi controller. The program was developed in the Python programming language using the "Dobot Python" library. A program was created for positioning the pallet at the receiving point, handling material in the warehouse or on the pallet, and for pushing or retrieving the pallet onto or from the automated guided vehicle. We designed a tool that allows the robotic arm, using a vacuum gripper, to manipulate the pallet into the positioning area. Precise positioning of the material at the receiving point, as well as within the warehouse, is crucial for safe and reliable material transfer. To this end, we designed an appropriate positioning platform for the pallet. Both the pallet and the warehouse were adapted to meet the precision positioning needs and requirements.

Keywords:automation, robotics, storage, control, handling, Raspberry Pi, Python

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