
Vpogled v polimorfizem mitohondrijskega gena COX1 pri sinantropni vrsti škorpijona Euscorpius italicus
ID Kobal, Mia (Author), ID Dolinar, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tavčar Verdev, Petra (Comentor)

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Mitohondrijski gen COX1 zapisuje podenoto 1 citokrom c oksidaze. Pri taksonomiji ima vlogo črtne kode DNA za veliko večino živalskega kraljestva. Črtna koda DNA je standardna regija genoma, značilna za posamezno skupino organizmov, s katero lahko identificiramo organizme. Škorpijoni so v Sloveniji pogosti pajkovci; najdemo predstavnike rodov Euscorpius in Alpiscorpius. Z izolacijo škorpijonske celokupne DNA in pomnoževanjem 5'-regije COX1 smo analiziranim škorpijonom določili nukleotidno zaporedje te regije COX1 in določili vrsto škorpijona. Ta je bila pri testiranih primerkih Euscorpius italicus, ki je v Sloveniji pogosta vrsta škorpijona. S poravnavo več zaporedij regije COX1 smo preverili raven identičnosti različnih vrst škorpijonov. S tem smo izločili možnost, da bi škorpijoni, ki smo jih analizirali, pripadali drugim vrstam. Prav tako smo preverili možne sorodniške vezi med analiziranimi škorpijoni.

Keywords:škorpijon, črtna koda DNA, Euscorpius italicus
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161378 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Title:Insight into the Polymorphism of the Mitochondrial Gene COX1 in the Synanthropic Scorpion Species Euscorpius italicus
The mitochondrial gene COX1 encodes subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase. Within taxonomy, it serves as a DNA barcode for the vast majority of the animal kingdom. A DNA barcode is a standard genomic region specific to a particular group of organisms, which can be used to identify organisms. Scorpions are common arachnids in Slovenia, with representatives of the genera Euscorpius and Alpiscorpius. By isolating the total DNA of scorpions and amplifying the 5' region of COX1, we determined the nucleotide sequence of this region and assigned scorpion to a corresponding species of the analyzed scorpions. This species was Euscorpius italicus for all tested subjects. This species is one of the most common scorpions in Slovenia. By aligning multiple sequences of the COX1 region, we verified the identities of different scorpion species, eliminating the possibility that the analyzed scorpions belonged to other species. We also examined the possible relatedness of analyzed scorpions.

Keywords:scorpion, DNA barcode, Euscorpius italicus

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