
Projektiranje in izdelava elektro postroja v proizvodnji sintetičnih smol
ID REDEK, JAN (Author), ID Nedeljković, David (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 9F2DB93572B5A96021F033FC226096EA

V slovenskem podjetju, kjer proizvajajo sintetične smole, so se odločili širiti svojo proizvodnjo, da ohranijo konkurenčnost na trgu in zagotovijo zadostne kapacitete, ki jih zahteva trg. V ta namen je stranka podala zahtevo za izgradnjo nove reaktorske linije. V diplomskem delu je predstavljen postopek izdelave projekta za avtomatizirano proizvodnjo sintetičnih smol. Vsebina se nanaša na določene praktične postopke, na katere naletimo ob izvedbi podobnih projektov. Za začetek smo se najprej srečali s tehnološkimi shemami, ki so temelj vsakega industrijskega sistema, saj omogočajo vizualizacijo in načrtovanje celotnega sistema. Te sheme vsebujejo različne elemente, kot so ventili, merilniki in porabniki električne energije, ki v nadaljevanju tvorijo tabele, ki popisujejo elemente v sistemu. V nadaljevanju predstavimo razlike med pnevmatskimi in regulacijskimi ventili, ki so nujni za natančno nastavitev pretoka tekočin, kar je bistveno v kemijskih industrijah. Sledijo različne vrste merilnikov, ki imajo različna območja merjenj, poleg tega pa morajo imeti priložene certifikate ATEX, ki jih zahteva eksplozijsko nevarna cona. Po končani predstavitvi elementov in določitvi njihovih signalov je sledil izris električnega načrta v programskem okolju EPLAN. V načrtu imamo primere izrisov sklopa motorja s frekvenčnim pretvornikom, merilnikov in ventilov, na koncu pa imamo izris vseh močnostnih omar, ki so v sklopu in so povezane med seboj. Zaradi visoke stopnje vnetljivosti potrebujemo elemente, kot so bariere, ki nam omogočajo varno komunikacijo med krmilnim delom in delom v proizvodnji, kjer se nahaja eksplozijsko nevarna cona. Sledijo zahteve pri izgradnji in načrtovanju električnih omar, tako močnostnih, ki napajajo močnostne porabnike, kot tudi krmilnih, ki služijo za krmiljenje in komunikacijo. Pri izdelovanju krmilnih omar se prvič srečamo z eksplozijsko nevarno cono, zato je pravilno načrtovanje ključnega pomena za celotno delovanje sistema. V zadnjem delu so predstavljeni sklopi funkcijskih blokov, ki odražajo komunikacijo z ventili, merilniki in drugimi močnostnimi porabniki v programskem okolju Honeywell. Poleg tega dobimo vpogled v programsko okolje, kjer kreiramo grafične vmesnike in si pogledamo dotičen primer iz projekta. Na koncu izpostavimo načrtovanje in primer izdelave tabele za opravljanje testov I/O, s katerimi preverimo pravilne povezave in pravilno konfiguracijo izhodnih in vhodnih signalov. V zaključku pa predstavimo še nedokončana dela, ki so še vedno v fazi izdelovanja, in opišemo procese, ki so nam povzročali največ težav, poleg tega pa izpostavimo še vse spremembe, ki so se zgodile v času izvedbe.

Keywords:Ex okolje, bariera, meritve, programiranje, avtomatizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161369 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207159299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Projecting and Commissioning of Electrical Equipment in the Production of Synthetic Resins
In the Slovenian company where synthetic resins are produced, a decision was made to expand production to maintain market competitiveness and ensure sufficient capacity to meet market demands. Consequently, the client requested the construction of a new reactor line. This thesis presents the process of creating a project for the automated production of synthetic resins. The content pertains to specific practical procedures encountered during similar projects. Initially, we dealt with technological schematics, which are the foundation of any industrial system as they enable visualization and planning of the entire system. These schematics include various elements such as valves, gauges, and other components that subsequently form tables describing the system elements. We then present the differences between pneumatic and control valves, which are essential for precise fluid flow adjustment, crucial in chemical industries. Following this, we discuss different types of gauges that have various measurement ranges and must also have ATEX certificates required for explosive hazardous zones. After presenting the elements and determining their signals, the electrical plan was drawn in the EPLAN software environment. The plan includes drawings of motor assembly with a frequency converter, gauges, and valves, and ultimately the drawings of all power cabinets that are interconnected. Due to the high flammability, we introduce elements such as barriers that allow safe communication between the control section and the production area where the explosive hazardous zone is located. The following are the requirements for the construction and design of electrical cabinets, both power cabinets, which supply power to high-consumption devices, and control cabinets, which are used for control and communication. In the commissioning of control cabinets, we are encountering the hazardous explosive zone for the first time, so proper planning was crucial for the entire system's operation. In the final section, the functional blocks are presented, reflecting the communication with valves, gauges, and other power consumers in the Honeywell software environment. Additionally, we gain insight into the software environment where we create graphical interfaces and examine a specific project example. Finally, we highlight the planning and creation of a table for conducting I/O tests, which verify correct connections and proper configuration of output and input signals. In conclusion, we present unfinished tasks still in progress and describe the processes that caused the most challenges, along with any changes that occurred during the implementation.

Keywords:EX environment, barrier, measurements, programming, automation

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