
Načrtovanje mobilne aplikacije za navigacijo dogodkov in povezovanje z ljudmi
ID Taler, Tina (Author), ID Lazar, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomskega dela smo se posvetili načrtovanju prototipa mobilne aplikacije Mingley. Aplikacija je namenjena odkrivanju lokalnih dogodkov in aktivnosti ter povezovanju z drugimi uporabniki s podobnimi interesi. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je bil ustvariti prototip intuitivne in uporabniku prijazne mobilne aplikacije. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opisali pomembnost socializacije; nato smo definirali aplikacijo in zatem predstavili uporabniško izkušnjo in njene komponente. Dotaknili smo se tudi interaktivnosti in pristopa, usmerjenega k uporabniku, ter nato predstavili še uporabniški vmesnik in njegove komponente. V eksperimentalnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodologijo, ki vključuje analizo obstoječih aplikacij na trgu, anketiranje in izdelavo person. Na podlagi teh smo načrtovali informacijsko arhitekturo. Nadaljevali smo z oblikovanjem žičnih modelov, ki smo jih zatem pretvorili v uporabniški vmesnik in njegov prototip. Z uporabo standardiziranih orodij, kot sta UEQ in MeCUE, smo vrednotili uporabniško izkušnjo in s tem pridobili pomembne podatke o učinkovitosti in zadovoljstvu uporabnikov z našo aplikacijo. Rezultat diplomskega dela je funkcionalen prototip mobilne aplikacije, ki prispeva k izboljšanju načina, kako ljudje načrtujejo in sodelujejo pri dogodkih v svojem okolju. Zaključki raziskave potrjujejo postavljene hipoteze in hkrati ponujajo smernice za nadaljnji razvoj aplikacije ter izboljšave uporabniške izkušnje.

Keywords:mobilna aplikacija, uporabniški vmesnik, uporabniška izkušnja, dogodki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161348 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Title:Designing mobile application for event navigation and social connection
As part of our thesis, we focused on designing a prototype of the Mingley mobile app. The app is designed to discover local events and activities and connect with other users with similar interests. The main aim of the thesis was to create a prototype of an intuitive and user-friendly mobile application. In the theoretical part, we first described the importance of socialization. Then, we defined the app and presented the user experience and its components. We also discussed interactivity and the user-centric approach and presented the user interface and its components. In the experimental part, we used a qualitative methodology involving the analysis of existing apps on the market, surveys, and personas. Based on the latter, we designed the information architecture. We created wireframes which were then converted into a user interface and prototype. Using standardized tools, such as UEQ and MeCUE, we evaluated the user experience to obtain essential data on the performance and satisfaction of users with our application. The result of the thesis is a functional prototype of a mobile application that improves how people plan and participate in events in their environment. The conclusions of the research confirm the hypotheses and, at the same time, offer guidelines for further development of the app and improvements of the user experience.

Keywords:mobile application, user interface, user experience, events

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