
ID Krapež, Jana (Author), ID Beškovnik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz petih poglavij. V teoretičnem delu se osredotoča na cestni promet ter njegovo vlogo v prehranski oskrbovalni verigi. Podrobneje smo raziskali povezave med transportom in njegovim vplivom na gospodarstvo ter vlogo infrastrukture v tovornem prometu. Za lažje razumevanje smo v nadaljevanju večji poudarek posvetili zunanji izvedbi cestnega transporta v prepletanju s prehransko oskrbovalno verigo, saj se tema magistrskega dela nanaša na sodelovanje med podjetji in lokalnimi transportnimi podjetji ter na vplive na učinkovitost logističnih procesov in poslovno uspešnost, ki jih to prinaša. Ker pa delo temelji na primeru podjetja Mlinotest d. d., je sledila predstavitev podjetja Mlinotest d. d. skozi čas, opredelitev njihove organizacijske strukture, nekaj o geografski legi sedeža podjetja ter o celotnem procesu oskrbovalne verige – od uvoza surovin, skladiščenja, do izvoza končnih izdelkov. V praktičnem delu smo z združitvijo kvalitativne in kvantitativne raziskave prišli do podatkov, ki so poglavitni za raziskavo, v kateri smo želeli potrditi zastavljeno hipotezo. Ta pravi, da podjetje Mlinotest d. d. v svojem sistemu oskrbnih verig pri izvozu surovin v večji meri sodeluje z lokalnimi transportnimi prevozniki. V kvantitativnem delu raziskave smo odgovore s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika pridobili od 12 podjetij, ki sodelujejo s podjetjem Mlinotest d. d., medtem ko smo s pomočjo intervjuja pridobili še pogled Mlinotesta.

Keywords:Cestni transport, cestni prevozniki, prehranska oskrbovalna veriga, zunanje izvajanje storitev, Mlinotest d. d.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161337 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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The master's thesis consists of five chapters. The theoretical part focuses on road transport and its role in the food supply chain. We investigate the links between transport and its impact on the economy as well as the role of infrastructure in freight transport. For a better understanding, we put more emphasis on the external implementation of road transport within the intertwining of the food supply chain, as the thesis topic concerns the cooperation between companies and local transport companies, and the impact on logistics efficiency and business performance that this cooperation entails. As the thesis is based on the case study of Mlinotest d. d., the history of the company is presented, including the definition of its organisational structure, some information on the geographical location of its headquarters, and the entire supply chain process— from the import of raw materials, to storage and export of finished products. In the practical part, by combining qualitative and quantitative research, we obtained data that was crucial for the research we conducted in order to confirm the set hypothesis. The hypothesis states that Mlinotest d. d. cooperates extensively with local transport companies in its supply chain system for the export of raw materials. In the quantitative part of the study, we used a questionnaire to collect responses from 12 companies that cooperate with Mlinotest d.d., while we obtained insights from Mlinotest through an interview.

Keywords:Road transport, road carriers, food supply chain, outsourcing of services, Mlinotest d. d.

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