
ID Kompara, Goran (Author), ID Vidmar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Balast, nekoristna stvar (SSKJ), ki je izjemno pomemben element na ladji, predvsem ko ni (polno) natovorjena. Balast na ladji predstavlja morsko vodo, ki jo črpamo v balastne tanke z namenom obtežitve ladje, ki je potrebna za ustrezno stabilnost in varno plovbo. V načrpani morski vodi so lahko tudi škodljivi organizmi, ki jih z ladjami prenašamo okrog po svetu. Leta 2004 je bila sprejeta, 8. septembra 2017 pa je stopila v veljavo, mednarodna Konvencija za nadzor in ravnanje z ladijsko balastno vodo in usedlinami (BWMC, ang.). Njen cilj je preprečiti širjenje škodljivih organizmov v balastnih vodah (in usedlinah) z uvedbo standardov in postopkov. V delu so predstavljene zahteve Konvencije in njen vpliv, ki ga ima na manjšo ladjo obravnavano v delu. Predstavljene in analizirane so vse možne opcije, ki so bile na razpolago za zagotovitev skladnosti s Konvencijo, kjer je zadnji možen datum 8. september 2024. Ena od možnih opcij je bila tudi vgradnja sistema za obdelavo balastne vode (BWTS), kar je najpogostejša izbira ladjarjev. Opisane so razpoložljive tehnologije sistemov za obdelavo balastne vode ter njihove prednosti in slabosti, kar je bilo v pomoč pri nadaljnji izbiri sistema. Opisan je tudi sam postopek primerne izbire, vgradnje in zagona sistema, ki se do neke mere nanaša tudi na obravnavano ladjo. Delo sem zaključil z opisom težav, ki jih imajo najpogosteje uporabljeni sistemi med delovanjem. Namen dela je bil prestaviti, kako na konkretnem primeru določena konvencija vpliva na delovanje in obstoj manjše tovorne ladje, za katero skrbim v tehnični službi ladjarja. Vse do konca sem upal, da se bo ladjar odločil za vgradnjo sistema, a žal do tega ni prišlo. Zaradi pomankanja časa ter sistemov na trgu, je bil prisiljen izbrati nenajboljšo opcijo za zagotovitev skladnosti in to je stalni balast. Srčno upam, da bo ladjar v neki bližnji prihodnosti zaključil postopek izbire primernega sistema in tega tudi vgradil. Tekom nastanka dela sem prišel do zaključka, da je kljub starosti ladje to najboljša rešitev.

Keywords:balastna voda, Konvencija o balastnih vodah, ladja, skladnost, ladijski sistemi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161336 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Secondary language

Ballast is an extremely important element on a ship, especially when not (fully) loaded. Ballast on a ship is the seawater pumped into ballast tanks as weight to lower the ship, which is necessary for adequate stability and safe navigation. The pumped seawater may also contain harmful organisms that are then transported around the world by the ships. The international Ballast Water Management Convention or BWMC was adopted in 2004 and entered into force on September 8, 2017. Its aim is to prevent the spread of harmful organisms in ballast water (and sediments) by introducing standards and procedures. In the thesis are presented the requirements of the Convention and its impact on a smaller ship discussed in the thesis. All possible options available to ensure compliance with the Convention are presented and analysed, where the due date is September 8, 2024. One of the possible options was the installation of the ballast water treatment system (BWTS), which is the most common choice of many ship owners. The available technologies of ballast water treatment systems and their advantages and disadvantages are described, which was helpful in the further selection of the system. The process of choosing a suitable system, installation and commissioning is also described, which to some extents have been applied to the ship in question. I finished the thesis by describing the problems that most commonly used systems have during operation. The scope of this thesis was to show, in a specific case, how a certain convention affects the operation and existence of a small cargo ship, that I follow for the shipowner as technical manager. I was hoping until the end that the shipowner would decide to install the system, but unfortunately it didn't happen. Due to lack of time and unavailability of the systems on the market, he was forced to choose not the best option to ensure compliance and that is permanent ballast. I sincerely hope that soon the shipowner will complete the process of selecting a suitable system and finally install it on the ship. During the creation of this thesis I come to the conclusion that, despite the age of the ship, this is the best solution.

Keywords:ballast water, Ballast Water Convention, ship, compliance, ship systems

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