
ID Frankovič, Tejka (Author), ID Stojaković, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pomorski promet je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih doživel izjemno rast in postal eden ključnih stebrov globalne ekonomije. Tako je tudi kontejnerski promet pridobil ključno vlogo pri učinkovitosti globalnega gospodarstva in mednarodnega prevoza blaga. V tej diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala osnovno teorijo hub in spoke sistema in razvoj severnoevropskih hub pristanišč s poudarkom na pristaniščih Rotterdam, Hamburg ter Antwerpen. Namen diplomske naloge je bil celovito raziskati in analizirati način delovanja ter izzive, s katerimi se soočajo pristanišča v Severni Evropi v kontekstu razvoja hub vozlišč. V prvem delu naloge sem poglobljeno predstavila in opisala delovanje sistema hub in spoke ter kako se ta sistem prilagaja dinamiki sprememb v svetovni trgovini in tehnološkim novostim. Prav tako pa sem opisala, kako morajo biti pristanišča opremljena, da bi jih lahko učinkovito uporabljali kot hub vozlišča. V drugem delu naloge sem se osredotočila na primerjalno analizo najpomembnejših severnoevropskih hub pristanišč: Rotterdama, Hamburga in Antwerpna. V tej analizi sem izpostavila razlike in skupne značilnosti ter ponudila vpogled v uspešnost strategij in razvoja posameznih pristanišč. Posebno pozornost sem namenila trendom avtomatizacije in trajnostnega razvoja, ki postajajo vse pomembnejši vidiki sodobnih pristanišč. Kljub omejitvam, kot so omejen dostop do podatkov in osredotočenost le na severnoevropska pristanišča, sem poskušala zagotoviti celovit pregled in analizo ključnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na razvoj hub pristanišč, ter predstaviti strategije, ki jih ta pristanišča uporabljajo za soočanje s trenutnimi izzivi in priložnostmi v globalnem pomorskem prometu.

Keywords:Hub in spoke sistem, kontejnerski promet, severnoevropska pristanišča, avtomatizacija in trajnostni razvoj.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161329 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Maritime transport has experienced remarkable growth over the past two decades and has become one of the key pillars of the global economy. Consequently, container traffic has gained a crucial role in the efficiency of the global economy and international freight transport. In this thesis, I explored the fundamental theory of the hub and spoke system and the development of Northern European hub ports, with a focus on the ports of Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Antwerp. The aim of this thesis was to provide a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the operations and challenges faced by ports in Northern Europe within the context of hub development.. In the first part of the thesis, I provided an in-depth overview of the hub-and-spoke system and how it adapts to changes in global trade dynamics and technological advancements.. I additionally explored the necessary infrastructure and capabilities a port must have to function efficiently as a hub. In the second part of the thesis, I focused on a comparative analysis of the most important Northern European hub ports: Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Antwerp. In this analysis, I highlighted the differences and common characteristics and provided insights into the success of the strategies and development of individual ports. Special attention was given to trends in automation and sustainable development, which are becoming increasingly important aspects of modern ports. Despite limitations such as restricted access to data and focusing solely on Northern European ports I attempted to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the key factors influencing the development of hub ports. And to present strategies used by these ports to address current challenges and opportunities in global maritime transport.

Keywords:Hub and spoke system, container traffic, Northern European ports, automation and sustainable development.

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