
Polimeri in bioplastika pri poučevanju kemije
ID Terobšič, Daša (Author), ID Strlič, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Polimeri so naravne ali umetno izdelane velike molekule, ki jih pogosto imenujemo makromolekule. Sestavljeni so iz manjših enot, monomerov, ki med seboj reagirajo in tvorijo dolgo verigo, podobno nizu kroglic. V magistrskem delu sem raziskala glavne polimere v svetovni rabi in sicer polietilen, polipropilen, polivinilklorid, polistiren, politetrafluoroetilen in poliuretan. Raziskala sem njihovo proizvodnjo, uporabo ter prednosti in slabosti. V zadnjem času pa zaradi nujnega ukrepanja v zvezi s plastičnimi odpadki v ospredje čedalje bolj prihaja bioplastika, torej polimeri, ki so biološko razgradljivi ali narejeni iz obnovljivih virov. Bioplastika je večinoma lahko pripravljena na osnovi škroba, polimlečne kisline, polihidroksialkanoatov, alifatsko-aromatskih poliestrov, celuloze ali lignina. Odvisno od vrste lahko bioplastika ponudi izboljšano krožnost z uporabo obnovljivih (nefosilnih) virov, manjšim ogljičnim odtisom, biorazgradnjo kot alternativno možnostjo ob koncu življenjske dobe in izboljšanimi lastnostmi materiala. Vendar pa ima v primerjavi s sintetično plastiko nekatere slabše lastnosti, njena proizvodnja je dražja, prav tako pa vzbuja pomisleke v zvezi z izpiranjem monomerov, oligomerov in dodatkov. V magistrskem delu sem raziskala tudi poučevanje polimerov v srednješolskem izobraževanju, pri čemer sem navedla glavne napačne predstave učencev in nekaj nasvetov za učitelje kemije. Ti vključujejo povezovanje učne vsebine z vsakdanjim življenjem, uporabo Johnstonovega trikotnika predstavitve kemijskih pojmov, natančno opredeljevanje osnovnih konceptov in upoštevanje načel učinkovitega učenja v znanosti. Poleg vsega naštetega pa je zelo pomembno tudi eksperimentalno delo, ki spodbuja učenčevo razumevanje narave znanosti, zato je v magistrskem delu predstavljena tudi laboratorijska vaja na temo bioplastike.

Keywords:polimeri, bioplastika, poučevanje, napačne predstave, eksperimentalno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161302 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Polymers and bioplastics in chemistry teaching
Polymers are natural or man-made large molecules, often called macromolecules. They consist of smaller units, monomers, which react with each other to form a long chain similar to a string of beads. In my master's thesis, I researched the main polymers in global use, namely polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, polytetrafluoroethylene and polyurethane. I researched their production, use and advantages and disadvantages. Recently, however, due to urgent action regarding plastic waste, bioplastics, i.e. polymers that are biodegradable or made from renewable resources, are increasingly coming to the fore. Bioplastics can mostly be prepared on the basis of starch, polylactic acid, polyhydroxyalkanoates, aliphatic-aromatic polyesters, cellulose or lignin. Depending on the type, bioplastics can offer improved circularity through the use of renewable (non-fossil) resources, a smaller carbon footprint, biodegradation as an alternative end-of-life option and improved material properties. However, compared to synthetic plastics, it has some inferior properties, is more expensive to produce, and also raises concerns regarding the leaching of monomers, oligomers and additives. In my master's thesis, I also investigated the teaching of polymers in secondary education, stating the main misconceptions of students and some advice for chemistry teachers. These include connecting the learning content to everyday life, using Johnston's triangle to present chemical concepts, clearly defining basic concepts and following the principles of effective learning in science. In addition to all of the above, experimental work is also very important, which promotes the student's understanding of the nature of science, which is why the master's thesis also presents a laboratory exercise on the subject of bioplastics.

Keywords:polymers, bioplastics, teaching, misconceptions, experimental work

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