
Elektrokemijska primerjava aditivov za Mg elektrolite
ID Premoš, Nejc (Author), ID Dominko, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vedno večje potrebe po energiji in izčrpavajoči se viri fosilnih goriv zahtevajo iskanje alternativ za trajnostno energijo. Akumulatorji so ključnega pomena za prehod na bolj trajnostno oskrbo z energijo. Magnezijevi akumulatorji veljajo za eno izmed obetavnih alternativ litij-ionskim akumulatorjem. Uporaba magnezijeve kovinske anode nam omogoča, da dosežemo višjo gravimetrično in volumetrično kapaciteto v primerjavi z grafitno anodo, ki se uporablja v litij-ionskih akumulatorjih. Magnezij ima še vedno relativno nizek redukcijski potencial (-2.36 proti SHE), kar omogoča visoko napetost akumulatorskih celic. Dodatno je magnezij tudi bistveno bolj dostopen v zemeljski skorji kot litij ter tudi precej cenejši. A poleg mnogih prednosti ima kovinski magnezij težavo s pasivacijo površine, saj se v stiku z mnogimi snovmi na površini naredi pasivna plast, ki je neprevodna in ovira učinkovito nalaganje in odtapljanje kovinskega Mg. V zadnjih letih je bil ključen premik narejen na modifikaciji solvatacijske lupine Mg$^{2+}$ ionov v etrskih topilih z dodatkom različnih aditivov. Ti dodatki spremenijo solvatacijo Mg$^{2+}$ kationa ter preprečijo nastanek pasivne plasti in omogočijo bistveno učinkovitejše nalaganje/odtapljanje kovinskega Mg. V diplomskem delu sem se posvetil raziskovanju vpliva delovanja različnih aditivov na Mg elektrolite na osnovi magnezijevega bis(trifluorosulfonilimida) Mg(TFSI)$_2$ ter magnezijevega trifluorometansulfonata Mg(OTf)$_2$ v topilu diglyme (DGM). Osredotočil sem se predvsem na tri aditive iz treh različnih razredov (alkil fosfatov, alkih halidov ter eter-aminskih ligandov). Elektrokemijsko delovanje sem karakteriziral s klasičnim galvanostatskim nalaganjem/odtapljanjem ter dodatnimi protokoli, ki so osredotočeni predvsem na pasivacijo naloženega magnezija. Elektrokemijsko stabilnost magnezijevih elektrolitov sem ocenil s pomočjo linearne voltametrije (LSV).

Keywords:Magnezijevi akumulatorji, elektrolit, kulonska učinkovitost, polarizacija, oksidativna stabilnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161276 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208224515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2024
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Title:Electrochemical comparison of additives for Mg electrolytes
Ever-increasing energy needs and depleting fossil fuel resources require the search for sustainable energy alternatives. Batteries are crucial technology for the transition to a more sustainable energy supply. Magnesium batteries are considered one of the promising alternatives to lithium-ion batteries. The use of a magnesium metal anode allows us to achieve a higher gravimetric and volumetric capacity compared to the graphite anode used in lithium-ion batteries. Magnesium has a low reduction potential (-2.36 against SHE), which enables high voltage of battery cells. In addition, magnesium is significantly more abundant in the Earth's crust than lithium and also much cheaper. But in addition to many advantages, metallic magnesium has problems with surface passivation, because in contact with many substances a passive layer is formed on the surface, which is non-conductive and hinders the efficient loading and dissolution of metallic Mg. In recent years, a key shift has been made on the modification of the solvation shell of Mg$^{2+}$ ions in ether solvents by the addition of various additives. These additions change the solvation of the Mg$^{2+}$ cation and prevent the formation of a passive layer and enable efficient loading/dissolving of metallic Mg. Several scientific articles have been published on this topic in recent years. In my thesis, I investigated the influence of various additives on Mg electrolyte based on magnesium bis(trifluorosulfonylimide) Mg(TFSI)$_2$ and magnesium trifluoromethanesulfonate Mg(OTf)$_2$. in diglyme (DGM). My main focus was on 3 additives from 3 different classes (alkyl phosphates, alkyl halides and ether-amino ligands). Electrochemical operation was characterized by classical galvanostatic plating/stripping and additional protocols aimed primarily at the passivation of loaded magnesium. I evaluated the electrochemical stability of magnesium electrolytes using linear voltammetry (LSV).

Keywords:Magnesium batteries, electrolyte, coulombic efficiency, overpotential, oxidative stability.

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