
Rentgenska praškovna difrakcija šumečih tablet
ID Tratar, Gašper (Author), ID Meden, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šumeče tablete so farmacevtska oblika zdravil ali prehranskih dopolnil, ki lahko vključujejo širok spekter aktivnih učinkovin, kot so analgetiki, vitamini, minerali, pa tudi dodatke, kot so sladila, arome in barvila. Za razumevanje in zagotavljanje njihove učinkovitosti je ključno poznavanje njihove kristalne strukture. Večina teh sestavin je v kristalinični obliki, pri čemer nekatere lahko obstajajo v več polimorfnih oblikah. Za identifikacijo in podrobno analizo kristalnih oblik v šumečih tabletah se veliko uporablja rentgenska praškovna difrakcija (XRPD). Ta tehnika uporablja difrakcijo rentgenske svetlobe na kristaliničnih trdninah in omogoča pridobitev edinstvenega praškovnega difraktograma za vsako kristalno fazo. S tem je mogoče izvesti kvalitativno fazno analizo vzorcev. Delo se je začelo z iskanjem primernih vzorcev za analizo. Šumeče tablete so večinoma prehranska dopolnila ali zdravila, ki jih je bilo enostavno pridobiti v lekarnah in trgovinah. Pred analizo sem preučil literaturo o kristalni strukturi, polimorfizem vzorcev in uporabi metode rentgenske praškovne difrakcije. Po tem sem pripravil in analiziral 15 vzorcev šumečih tablet. Cilj analize je bila identifikacija kristalnih oblik aktivnih sestavin in morebitnih pomožnih snovi v tabletah. Za oceno zanesljivosti in omejitev metode XRPD sem pridobil rezultate in jih preveril z navedenimi na deklaracijah izdelkov. Ta primerjava je omogočila tudi oceno uporabnosti metode, saj sem pričakoval, da ima metoda tudi omejitve in da vseh sestavin vzorcev z njo ne bom uspel določiti, pričakoval pa sem uspešno identifikacijo večine glavnih učinkovin. Z metodo rentgenske praškovne difrakcije (XPRD) sem uspešno določil večino snovi v šumečih tabletah. Metoda se je izkazala za učinkovito pri identifikaciji kristalnih faz glavnih učinkovin in pomožnih snovi. Primerjava z deklaracijami izdelkov je potrdila zanesljivost metode, vendar zaradi njenih omejitev ni bilo mogoče identificirati vseh sestavin, zlasti tistih, ki so amorfni ali jih je v vzorcu malo.

Keywords:šumeče tablete, kristalna struktura, polimorfizem, rentgenska praškovna difrakcija (XRPD), praškovni difraktogram
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161266 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:X-ray powder diffraction of effervescent tablets
Effervescent tablets are a pharmaceutical form of medications or dietary supplements that include a wide range of active ingredients, such as analgesics, vitamins, minerals, as well as additives like sweeteners, flavours, and colorants. Understanding their crystalline structure is crucial for ensuring and understanding their efficacy. Most of these ingredients are in crystalline form, with some existing in multiple polymorphic forms. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) is widely used for the identification and detailed analysis of crystalline forms in effervescent tablets. This technique utilizes the diffraction of X-rays on crystalline solids to obtain a unique powder diffraction of X-rays on crystalline solids to obtain a unique powder diffraction pattern for each crystalline phase, allowing for qualitative phase analysis of the samples. The work began with selection for suitable samples for analysis. Effervescent tablets, primarily dietary supplements or medications, were easily obtained from pharmacies and stores. Before conducting the analysis, I reviewed the literature on crystal structure, polymorphism of samples, and principles od X-ray powder diffraction. Afterward, I prepared and analyzed 15 effervescent tablet samples. The aim of the analysis was to identify the crystalline forms of the active ingredients and any auxiliary substances in the tablets. To assess the reliability and limitations of the XRPD method, I compared the results with the information provided on the product labels. This comparison also allowed for an evaluation of the method's applicability, as I anticipated that the method might have limitations and might not identify most of the main active ingredients. Using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) method, I successfully identified the majority of substances in the effervescent tablets. The method proved to be effective in identifying the crystalline phases of the main active ingredients and auxiliary substances. The comparison with product labels confirmed the reliability of the method, but due to its limitations, it was not possible to identify all components, particularly those that are amorphous or are present in small amounts.

Keywords:effervescent tablets, crystal structure, polymorphism, X-ray powder diffractin (XRPD), powder diffractin pattern

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