
Razvoj in preobrazba soseske Zelena jama v Ljubljani
ID Rožman, Ana (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo proučuje in analizira prostorsko in socialno preobrazbo soseske Zelena jama v Ljubljani. Skozi delo sem želela ugotoviti, do kakšnih sprememb je prišlo v Zeleni jami od časa njenega nastanka do danes ter s katerimi urbanimi procesi se danes sooča. Z namenom lažjega identificiranja in proučevanja procesov sem pregledala literaturo na temo urbane geografije, pri čemer sem se osredotočila na procese sodobne urbane preobrazbe mest. Zaradi lokalne specifike proučevanega območja je bil poudarek na procesih, ki se odvijajo v Ljubljani. S terenskim proučevanjem sem pridobila aktualne podatke o razmerah v Zeleni jami. Izvedla sem tudi anketo z lokalnimi prebivalci, s katero sem ugotovila trende in motive priseljevanja ljudi ter njihovo mnenje glede novogradenj, ki danes zaznamujejo sosesko. Glavna funkcija soseske je danes bivalna, vendar je skozi razvoj in preobrazbo naselja prihajalo do velikih sprememb. Na območju sem zaznala znake gentrifikacije in sitizacije. Zaradi omejenih in javno nedostopnih podatkov ostajajo Zelena jama in njeni spremljajoči procesi potencialno področje za nadaljnje študije.

Keywords:sodobni urbani procesi, stanovanjska gradnja, gentrifikacija, Zelena jama, Ljubljana
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161228 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Title:Development and transformation of the Zelena jama Neighbourhood in Ljubljana
The thesis examines and analyses the spatial and social transformation of the Zelena jama neighbourhood in Ljubljana. Throughout the thesis I wanted to find out what changes have taken place in Zelena jama from the time of its creation until today and what urban processes it is facing today. In order to facilitate the identification and study of the processes, I reviewed the literature on urban geography, focusing on the processes of contemporary urban transformation of cities, with an emphasis on the processes taking place in Ljubljana, due to the local specificity of the study area. Through field research I obtained up-to-date data on the situation in Zelena jama. I also carried out a survey with local residents to find out trends and motives of immigration and their opinion on the new buildings that characterise the neighbourhood today. The main function of the neighbourhood today is residential, but there have been major changes through the development and transformation of the area. I detected signs of gentrification and citisation in the area. Due to limited and publicly unavailable data, Zelena jama and its accompanying processes remain a potential area for further study.

Keywords:contemporary urban processes, residential complexes, gentrification, Zelena jama, Ljubljana

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