
Digitalna tehnologija v enotah intenzivne terapije : diplomsko delo
ID Skubic, Ana (Author), ID Gogova, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Beguš, Goranka (Comentor), ID Milavec Kapun, Marija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Zdravstvena nega kritično bolnih v enotah intenzivne terapije predstavlja specifično in zahtevno področje dela medicinskih sester. Od njih se pričakuje visoko raven specifičnega znanja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pregledom literature raziskati vpliv digitalne tehnologije na delo medicinskih sester v enotah intenzivne terapije. Metode dela: Izveden je bil pregled znanstvene literature v angleškem jeziku na temo uporabe tehnologije v enotah intenzivne terapije. Iskanje literature je potekalo s pomočjo Google Učenjaka in spletnega portala Digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani, s pomočjo iskalnega sistema PubMed in s pomočjo bibliografske zbirke ScienceDirect. Vključena je bila v celoti dostopna literatura, objavljena od 2013 do 2023. Rezultati: S pregledom 14 enot literature smo prepoznali osem tem, znotraj katerih smo predstavili vpliv digitalne tehnologije v enotah intenzivne terapije ter identificirali prednosti in slabosti njene uporabe. Ugotovili smo, da je za uporabo digitalne tehnologije v enotah intenzivne terapije potrebno ustrezno znanje. Pomanjkanje znanja povzroča strah pri uporabi digitalne tehnologije in strah pred povečanjem delovnih obremenitev. Ključnega pomena pri premagovanju ovir je izobraževanje. To medicinskim sestram omogoča ustrezno uporabo digitalne tehnologije. Ko je ta ustrezno uporabljena, omogoča zmanjšanje bremena pri medicinskih sestrah, več časa lahko posvetijo pacientom in tako zagotavljajo varno zdravstveno nego. Razprava in zaključek: Medicinske sestre so ključne za kakovostno obravnavo pacientov v enotah intenzivne terapije, kjer je prisotna visoka uporaba digitalne tehnologije, ki lahko na njihovo delo vpliva pozitivno ali negativno. Tehnologija ima velik potencial, vendar postaja jasno, da to, kar naj bi medicinskim sestram bilo v pomoč pri njihovem delu, jim sočasno lahko predstavlja breme, predvsem zaradi premalo znanja. Za uspešno vključevanje digitalne tehnologije je treba to približati medicinskim sestram in izpostaviti pozitiven vpliv na njihovo delo ter jih poučiti o njeni uporabi. Kljub temu da digitalna tehnologija predstavlja velik napredek pri spremljanju zdravstvenega stanja, je še vedno glavna odgovornost za paciente v rokah medicinskih sester.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, medicinske sestre, intenzivna terapija, digitalizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Skubic]
Number of pages:27 str., [5] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161227-7ac582dc-b2d8-e7c4-4fab-d28070b57c40 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206827011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Digital technology in intensive care units : diploma work
Introduction: Critical care nursing in intensive care units is a specific and challenging area of nursing practice. A high level of specific knowledge is expected. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of digital technology on the work of critical care nurses through a literature review. Methods:. A review of the scientific literature in English on the use of technology in the intensive care unit was conducted. The literature search was conducted using Google Scholar and the University of Ljubljana Digital Library web portal, PubMed and bibliographic database ScienceDirect. The fully accessible literature published from 2013 to 2023 was included. Results: Through a review of 14 units of literature, we identified eight themes within which we presented the impact of digital technology in intensive care units and identified advantages and disadvantages of its use. We found that the use of digital technology in intensive care units requires adequate knowledge. Lack of knowledge leads to fear in using digital technology and fear of increased workload. Education is key to overcoming barriers. This enables nurses to use digital technology appropriately. When used appropriately, digital technology can reduce the burden on nurses and allow them to spend more time with patients, thus ensuring safe nursing care. Discussion and conclusion: Nurses are key to quality patient care in intensive care units where there is a high use of digital technology, which can have a positive or negative impact on their work. Technology has great potential, but it is becoming clear that what is supposed to help nurses in their work may at the same time be a burden, mainly due to a lack of knowledge. In order to integrate digital technology successfully, it is necessary to bring it closer to nurses, to highlight its positive impact on their work, and to educate them about its use. Although digital technology represents a major advance in health monitoring, the main responsibility for patients still lies with nurses.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, nurses, intensive care, digitalisation

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