
Pobeg v mesto – konec in začetek vseh težav: Primerjalna analiza del Vrnitev v Reims Didiera Eribona, Opraviti z Eddyjem in Spremeniti se: metoda Édouarda Louisa ter Zakaj ne pišem Dijane Matković
ID Oprešnik, Luka (Author), ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Didier Eribon, Édouard Louis in Dijana Matković v svojih avtobiografskih delih popisujejo izkušnje revščine, homofobije in ksenofobije iz otroštva, svoje napore, da bi se izognili tem oblikam nasilja in posledicam, ki so jih pri tem nevede utrpeli. Teh se začno zavedati šele veliko pozneje, ko skozi pisanje razčlenijo in analizirajo izkušnje, ki so jih oblikovale. Kljub nekaterim razlikam in drugačnim družbenim kontekstom so si njihove zgodbe med sabo zelo podobne. Podobnost pa izvira tudi iz dejstva, da je Eribon vplival na Louisa in da sta oba vplivala na Matković. Skupaj so se uprli družbenim mehanizmom, ki so jih držali v primežu vse od rojstva. Njihov upor pa se je manifestiral skozi pisanje, ki je pomagalo njim in ki lahko radikalizira tudi druge.

Keywords:avtobiografska literatura, Didier Eribon, Édouard Louis, Dijana Matković, kulturna identiteta, homofobija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161223 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206817539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Title:Escape to the city – the end and the beginning of all troubles: Comparative analysis of the works Returning to Reims by Didier Eribon, The End of Eddy and Change: A Method by Édouard Louis, and Zakaj ne pišem by Dijana Matković
Didier Eribon, Édouard Louis, and Dijana Matković, in their autobiographical works, describe their experiences of poverty, homophobia, and xenophobia they endured since childhood, their efforts to escape these forms of violence, and the unintended consequences they suffered in the process. They only begin to understand these consequences much later, as they dissect and analyse the experiences that shaped them through their writing. Despite some differences and varying social contexts, their stories are very similar. This similarity also stems from the fact that Eribon influenced Louis and that they both influenced Matković. Together, they resisted the social mechanisms that had held them in their grip since birth. Their resistance manifested through writing, which helped them and has the potential to radicalize others.

Keywords:autobiographical literature, Didier Eribon, Édouard Louis, Dijana Matković, cultural identity, homophobia

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