
Ohranjanje ogroženih rastlinskih genskih virov v genskih bankah
ID Parkelj, Ema (Author), ID Luthar, Zlata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Genske banke so en izmed načinov ohranjanja ogroženih genskih virov in s tem ohranjanja biotske raznolikosti. Ob nenehnih spremembah v okolju, je ključnega pomena ohranjanje genske pestrosti rastlinskih vrst, saj jim omogoča prilagajanje in preživetje ob različnih biotskih in abiotskih stresorjih. V ta namen so bili vzpostavljeni razni postopki ohranjanja, vodenja in upravljanja, ki so zavedeni v konvencijah in strategijah. To so krovni dokumenti na nacionalnih in mednarodnih nivojih, ki omogočajo ohranjanje genske pestrosti tako v naravnih okoljih kot izven njega. Rastlinske genske vire se lahko ohranja v in situ in ex situ razmerah, odvisno od rastlinske vrste. Genske banke so ustanove, v katerih se hrani genski material v obliki semen, tkivnih kultur, kolekcijskih nasadov, krioprezerviranih delov in genskih informacij nukleotidnega zapisa DNA molekule. Genske banke lahko delujejo na nacionalnem ali na mednarodnem nivoju kot samostojne ustanove ali pa kot združenja večih bank. Tudi v Sloveniji imamo genske banke, ki ohranjajo ogrožene lokalne rastlinske genske vire v sklopu različnih inštitucij, ki so med seboj povezane in od leta 2018 delujejo v sklopu Javne službe nalog rastlinske genske banke.

Keywords:biotska raznolikost, rastlinski genski vir, genska erozija, in situ ohranjanje, ex situ ohranjanje, genska banka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161209 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206991363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Preservation of endangered plant genetic resources in gene banks
Gene banks are one way of preserving endangered genetic resources and thereby preserving biotic diversity. With constant changes in the environment, it is crucial to preserve the genetic diversity of plant species, as it enables them to adapt and survive in the face of various biotic and abiotic stressors. For this purpose, various conservation, management and procedures have been established, which are enshrined in conventions and strategies. These are documents at the national and international levels, which enable the preservation of genetic diversity both in natural environments and outside it. Plant genetic resources can be preserved in in situ and ex situ conditions, depending on the plant species. Gene banks are institutions that store genetic material in the form of seeds, tissue cultures, collection plantations, cryopreserved parts and genetic information of the nucleotide record of the DNA molecule. Gene banks can operate at the national or international level as independent institutions or as associations of several banks. In Slovenia we have gene banks that preserve endangered local plant genetic resources as part of various institutions that are connected to each other and since 2018 have been operating as part of the Public Service of Plant Gene Bank tasks.

Keywords:biotic diversity, plant genetic resource, genetic erosion, in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, gene bank

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