
Vpliv mineralnih in organskih dodatkov onesnaženim tlem na zmanjšanje dostopnosti Pb in Zn izbranim rastlinam
ID Uršič, Špela (Author), ID Zupan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Onesnaževanje tal s potencialno strupenimi elementi (PSE) je posledica rudarjenja in pridobivanja kovin, druge industrije in prometa. Zaradi akumulacije PSE so tla onesnažena tudi, ko dejavnost preneha in koncentracije PSE večinoma niso fitotoksične, zato so onesnažena tla pogosto v kmetijski rabi. Pri tem obstaja nevarnost prenosa PSE v rastline in prehranjevalno verigo. Zato smo v letu 2022 izvedli lončni poskus z onesnaženimi vrtnimi tlemi, ki je potekal v rastlinjaku Biotehniške fakultete na Oddelku za agronomijo. Namen tega poskusa je bilo ugotoviti, kateri dodatek v največji meri zmanjša dostopnost PSE za strok česna in koren korenčka. Obravnavali smo dva tipa dodatkov – organske in mineralne. V onesnažena vrtna tla iz Zgornje Mežiške doline smo dodali dodatek biooglja (B), komposta (KO), vermikulita (V) ali zeolita (Z), z namenom zmanjšanja mobilnosti svinca in cinka v tleh. Vsak dodatek je bil zastopan v enojnem in dvojnem odmerku z namenom ugotovitve kateri je bolj dovzeten za zmanjšane PSE v vrtnini česna in korenčka. Poleg onesnaženih tal brez dodatka (K), smo imeli tudi referenčno obravnavanje z neonesnaženo zemljo iz Zgornjega Brnika (R). Vsebnosti svinca in cinka smo določili v užitnem delu vrtnine, v stroku oz. korenu. Glede na dobljene rezultate smo ugotovili, da je akumulacija Pb in Zn pogojena z vrtnino, ki uspeva v onesnaženih tleh, saj je v našem poskusu prišlo do manjše akumulacije svinca in cinka v stroku česna, medtem ko je bila v korenu korenčka večja. Dodatki so le delno vplivali na manjšo akumulacijo svinca in cinka. Večjih razlik med enojnimi in dvojnimi odmerki organskih in mineralnih dodatkov ni bilo. S primerjavo mejne vrednosti svinca, dovoljenega v živilih, smo ugotovili, da korenček v vseh primerih normativ presega, medtem ko so pri česnu vse vrednosti pod mejno vrednostjo, ki znaša 0,10 mg/kg sv. m. Z meritvami višine, premera in tehtanja užitnega dela vrtnin smo ugotovili, da organski ali mineralni dodatek ni imel vpliva na morfološke lastnosti vrtnin.

Keywords:onesnaženost tal, potencialno strupeni elementi, svinec, cink, vsebnost Pb v vrtninah, vsebnost Zn v vrtninah, mineralni dodatki, organski dodatki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161189 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206951939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of mineral and organic soil amendments on reduction of Pb and Zn availability to selected plants
Soil contamination with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) results from mining, metal extraction, other industries, and traffic. Due to the accumulation of PTEs, soils remain contaminated even after these activities stop, and the concentrations of PTEs are generally not phytotoxic, so contaminated soils are often used for agricultural purposes. This poses a risk of PTE transfer into plants and the food chain. Therefore, in 2022, we conducted a pot experiment with contaminated garden soils in the greenhouse of the Biotechnical Faculty, at the Department of Agronomy. The aim of this experiment was to determine which amendment most effectively reduces the availability of PTEs in garlic cloves and carrot roots. We considered two types of amendments – organic and mineral. To the contaminated soil from the Upper Meža Valley, we added biochar (B), compost (KO), vermiculite (V), or zeolite (Z) to reduce the mobility of lead and zinc in the soil. Each amendment was represented in both single and double doses in order to determine which was more susceptible to reduced PSE in garlic and carrot vegetables. In addition to the contaminated soil without the addition of (K), we also had a reference treatment with uncontaminated soil from Zgornji Brnik (R). All lead and zinc were determined in the edible part of the vegetable, in the pod or root. Based on the results obtained, we found that the accumulation of Pb and Zn is conditioned by the vegetable that thrives in contaminated soil, as in our experiment there was a smaller accumulation of lead and zinc in the garlic pod, while in the carrot root there was a higher accumulation. The additives only partially affected the lower accumulation of lead and zinc. There were no major differences between single and double doses of organic and mineral supplements. By comparing the limit value of lead allowed in foodstuffs, we found that carrots exceed the norm in all cases, while in the case of garlic all values are below the limit value of 0.10 mg/kg sv. m. Measurements of the height, diameter and weight of the edible part of the vegetables showed that the organic or mineral supplement had no effect on the morphological properties of the vegetables.

Keywords:soil contamination, potentially toxic elements, lead, zinc, lead content in vegetables, zinc content in vegetables, mineral amendments, organic amendments

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