
Ustvarjanje animiranega filma v tehniki 3D stop animacije z manipulacijo lutk za videospot
ID Štefančič, Pika (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Babič, Davorin (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo je osredotočeno na izdelavo 3D stop animacije z elementi risane računalniške animacije. Analizirali smo uspešnost združevanja animacijskih tehnik različnih dimenzij in izdelovalnih procesov ter redno prakso rabe stop animacij v industriji videospotov. Izvedba se je delila na predprodukcijo, produkcijo in postprodukcijo. Prva predprodukcija je zajemala izdelavo zgodborisa, scenarija, sinopsisa, karakterizacije in lutk ter scenografije. Druga predprodukcija je pokrila 2D elemente. Ti so bili pripravljeni s programi Adobe Ilustrator, Google Docs in WriterDuet. Lutke so bile izdelane iz zavrženih kosov blaga, žic, vate in stiropora. Scenografija je bila izdelana iz kartona, lepenke in kosov blaga. Produkcija se je delila na dve veji, in sicer snemanje stop animacije ter digitalno dopolnitev posnetkov z računalniško animacijo. Prvi del je bil izdelan v studiu Srednje medijske in grafične šole Ljubljana s Canon 5d mark iii kamero, 24–70- ali 85-milimetrskim objektivom in programom DragonFrame. Drugi del pa z računalnikom HP ProBook in s programi Adobe Suite. Postprodukcija je pokrila porezavo posnetkov in barvno korekcijo, prav tako v Adobe okolju. Posebnost metodologije tega dela je, da se predprodukcija in produkcija podvojita, torej ločeno za 2D in 3D. Produkciji in postprodukciji stop animacije (barvna korekcija in porezava) sta sledili izdelava (drugi del produkcije) in integracija računalniških grafik kot konec postprodukcije. Rezultat dela je predstavljen v interdisciplinarni animaciji, ki zastopa pesem in avtorje. Doseženi so bili cilji izdelave scenografije, lutk, snemalnih dokumentov; sličice so bile zajete in združene v prizore, ki z oplemenitenjem z 2D risanimi elementi pripovedo celostno zgodbo.

Keywords:2D računalniška animacija, 3D stop animacija, lutkovna animacija, sličica za sličico, videospot
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161173 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Creating 3D stop motion puppet animation for music video
The diploma thesis is focused on the creation of 3D stop motion animation with elements of 2D computer animation, as well as the effectiveness of combining animation techniques within different dimensions and with different production processes. The creation process was divided into pre-production, production and post-production. Preproduction included the making of a storyboard, script, synopsis, characterization as well as puppets, and scenography. The former were made with the following programs: Adobe Illustrator, Google Docs and WriterDuet. The puppets were made from discarded pieces of cloth, wire, cotton wool and styrofoam. The scenography was made of cardboard, paper and pieces of fabric. The production was divided into two sections, namely the recording of stop animation and the digital enhancement of recordings, with computer animation. The first part was filmed in the studio of the Ljubljana Secondary School of Media and Graphics, with a Canon 5d mark iii camera, 24-70 mm or 85 mm lens and the DragonFrame program. The second part required an HP Probook computer and programs from the Adobe Suite. The post-production encompassed editing, colour correction and sound design, all in the Adobe Suite. The specifics of the methodology used in this work is in doubled pre-production and production, separated for a 2D and 3D . The production and post-production of stop animation (colour correction and cropping) were followed by the creation (secondary production) and integration (secondary postproduction) of computer graphics. The work resulted in an interdisciplinary animation, embodying the song as well as representing the musicians. The goals of making the scenography, the puppets and the pre-production documents were achieveded; the pictures taken and stacked to were enhanced with 2D graphics, and tell a comprehensive story.

Keywords:2D computer animation, 3D stop animation, puppet animation, frame by frame, music video

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