
Oblikovanje knjige Ivana Cankarja Moje Življenje
ID Lavrenčič, Lea (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bilo oblikovanje preloma in naslovnice zbirke črtic Moje življenje slovenskega pisatelja Ivana Cankarja. To literarno delo ima pomembno vlogo v slovenski književnosti in je še vedno del učnega načrta v osnovnih šolah. Tematike črtic so namreč še vedno pomembne in se z njimi v življenju sreča skoraj vsak izmed nas. Pred začetkom oblikovanja smo pregledali biografijo Ivana Cankarja, da smo spoznali njegovo življenje in pomembnejša dela, saj se zbirke črtic navezujejo na dogodke iz njegovega življenja. Definirali smo pomen črtice, nato pa pregledali literaturo na področju oblikovanja preloma. Predstavili smo opremo izdanega dela, ki vključuje naslovno polo, zrcalo z mrežo in prelom ter ovitek. Nadaljevali smo še z nekaj pravili in smernicami pri izbiri formata in tipografije ter določanju zrcala, mreže in praznih robov knjižnega dela. Pri tipografiji smo se predvsem osredotočili na izbiro pisave, ki bi bila v pomoč pri branju otrokom z disleksijo, hkrati pa bi bilo delo še vedno primerno tudi za tiste, ki nimajo težav pri branju. V eksperimentalnem delu smo najprej analizirali zbirko črtic Moje življenje in na kratko obnovili vsako črtico. Predstavili smo tudi prostor in čas, ki ga delo obsega, ter glavne osebe. Opisali smo tudi našo ciljno skupino, nato pa na podlagi analize začeli s procesom oblikovanja zbirke črtic. Po preizkušanju različnih možnosti, smo dobili najboljšo možno oblikovno rešitev. Končni izdelek je sodobnejše oblikovana zbirka črtic Moje življenje z vključenimi ilustracijami in tipografijo, ki olajša branje dislektikom.

Keywords:ilustracija, Ivan Cankar, oblikovanje knjige, oblikovanje naslovnice, prelom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161172 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Title:Design of Ivan Cankar´s book Moje Življenje
The purpose of this thesis was to design the layout and cover of the collection of literary sketches “Moje življenje” by Slovenian writer Ivan Cankar. This literary work plays a significant role in Slovenian literature and is still part of the curriculum in primary schools. The themes of the sketches are still relevant, and almost everyone encounters them in their lives. Before starting the design, we reviewed the biography of Ivan Cankar to familiarize ourselves with his life and significant works, as the collection of sketches relates to events from his life. We defined the meaning of a sketch and then reviewed the literature on layout design. We presented the layout of the published work, including the title page, body, and the cover. We also discussed some rules and guidelines for choosing the format and typography, as well as determining the margins, grid, and blank spaces of the book. In typography, we focused on choosing a typeface that would assist children with dyslexia with reading while still being suitable for those without reading difficulties. In the experimental part, we first analyzed the collection of sketches “Moje življenje” and briefly summarized each sketch. We also presented the place and time covered in the book and the main characters. We described our target audience, and based on the analysis, we began the process of designing the collection of sketches. After testing various versions, we arrived at the best possible design solution. The final product is a modernized design of the collection of sketches “Moje življenje” with included illustrations and typography that facilitates reading for individuals with dyslexia.

Keywords:book design, cover design, illustration, Ivan Cankar, layout

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