
Likovno interpretiranje sestavin za tedenski meni
ID Fras, Doroteja (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Učakar, Andrej (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na likovno interpretacijo prehranskih sestavin, izbranih za tedenski jedilnik, ki so prikazane s pomočjo digitalnega kolaža. Cilj diplomskega dela je iz fotografiranega sadja sestaviti in oblikovati likovno delo v kompoziciji pogrinjka ter predstaviti osnovne barve iz barvnega kroga. V teoretičnem delu je obrazložena likovna opredelitev barv ter njihov vpliv na naše počutje. Zaznavanje svetlobe poteka s pomočjo našega vidnega organa – očesa. Obrazloženo je mešanje barv, aditivno in subtraktivno, kar ima posebno vlogo pri ustvarjanju. V delu je opisan barvni krog, in sicer Ittnov barvni krog, v katerem so barve predstavljene kot primarne, sekundarne in terciarne. Barve omogočajo veliko kombinacij, diad in triad, ki jih najdemo v umetnosti in v realnem življenju. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljen fotografski zajem petih sestavin: limon, jagod, pomaranč, grozdja in zelenih jabolk. Navedene sestavine v nadaljevanju predstavljajo osnovo za barve in teksture novih likovnih podob v tehniki kolažev. S spreminjanjem oblik, tekstur in struktur dobimo abstraktno kompozicijo, ki je lahko uporabljena kot osnova pri oblikovanju tedenskega menija v vrtcih ali osnovnih šolah, osnova pri potisku majic ali drugih vrst tekstila. Rezultati diplomskega dela prispevajo k razvoju raziskovanja likovnega izrazoslovja. Izdelani kolaži pa predstavljajo eksperimentalno interpretacijo digitalnih fotografij s tehniko kolaža, in sicer za vizualno predstavitev jedi.

Keywords:kolaž, serijskost, digitalne fotografije, sadje, barve.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161167 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Artistic interpretation of ingredients for weekly menu
The thesis focuses on the artistic interpretation of food ingredients selected for a weekly menu, presented through digital collage. The aim of the thesis is to assemble and design a work of art from photographed fruit in the composition of a table setting and to present the primary colours from the colour wheel. The theoretical part explains the artistic definition of colours and its psychological effects. The perception of light takes place with the help of our visual organ – the eye. The concepts of additive and subtractive colour mixing are discussed, emphasising their importance in the creative process. Particular attention is given to Itten’s colour wheel, which classifies colours into primary, secondary, and tertiary. The vast array of colour combinations, including dyads and triads, found in both art and everyday life, is also explored. The experimental part presents a photographic exploration of five ingredients: lemons, strawberries, oranges, grapes, and green apples. These serve as a foundation for a series of experimental collages that explore the interplay of colour, shape, and texture. The resulting abstract compositions can be used as a basis for designing a weekly menu in kindergartens or primary schools, textiles, and other creative projects. The results of the thesis contribute to the development of visual language research. The created collages represent an experimental interpretation of digital photographs using the collage technique for the visual presentation of food.

Keywords:collage, seriality, digital photos, fruit, colours.

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