
Socialno delo s pari v postopku razveze, kjer sta prisotna visok konflikt ali nasilje : diplomsko delo
ID Šinko, Patricia (Author), ID Šugman Bohinc, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šeme, Mojca (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na socialno delo s pari, ki se razhajajo in se soočajo z visokim konfliktom ali nasiljem. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila zakonsko zvezo, zunajzakonsko skupnost in različne načine formalnega zaključevanja partnerskega odnosa. V nadaljevanju sem se osredotočila na opredelitev visokega konflikta in nasilja ter razlike med njima. Predstavila sem problematiko pomanjkanja znanja in spretnosti pri socialnih delavkah in drugih strokovnjakih, ki sodelujejo s pari v procesu ločitve. Obširneje sem opisala nasilje v partnerskem odnosu in post-ločitveno nasilje ter stiske, ki jih ob tem doživljajo ženske in otroci. Oprla sem se na zakonodajo, ki ureja družinska razmerja, razveze in preprečevanje nasilja v družini. Opisala sem vlogo centrov za socialno delo v postopku razveze ali razpada zunajzakonske skupnosti ter na področju nasilja. Predstavila sem pomen vključevanja otrokovega glasu v sodelovalni odnos in problematiko uporabe koncepta starševskega odtujevanja. Teoretični del sem zaključila s predstavitvijo vpliva razveze na otroke, predvsem kadar gre za visok konflikt ali nasilje. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila ugotovitve, ki sem jih dobila s pomočjo sedmih intervjujev s socialnimi delavkami in delavci, ki so zaposleni na centrih za socialno delo v Sloveniji in sodelujejo s pari v postopku ločitve. Vprašanja, ki sem jih zastavljala, so se nanašala na pristope, ki jih pri svojem delu uporabljajo. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako prepoznavajo visok konflikt in kako ga nagovarjajo ter kako v postopek vključijo otrokov glas. Vprašala sem, kako opravijo pogovor z otrokom. Na koncu sem želela izvedeti tudi, kaj si o vplivu razveze na otroke mislijo socialne delavke, ki imajo izkušnje s sodelovanjem z otroki ločenih staršev. V pogovorih sem spoznala, da socialne delavke včasih omenjajo elemente nasilja, ko opisujejo visok konflikt. Pomembno je, da to dvoje strogo ločujemo in nagovarjamo, saj gre za povsem drugačni situaciji, ki zahtevata različen pristop. Začela sem razmišljati o tem, da tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini še vedno ne posvečamo dovolj pozornosti nasilju in ga nemalokrat prezremo, bodisi zaradi pomanjkanja znanja ali v prepričanju, da situacija le ni tako skrb vzbujajoča.

Keywords:partnerski odnosi, razveza in razpad zunajzakonske skupnosti, post-ločitveno nasilje, otrokov glas, center za socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Šinko]
Number of pages:199 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161162 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210125059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Social Work with Couples in the Process of High-Conflict or Abusive Divorce
In my thesis, I focused on social work with couples who are separating and facing high conflict or abuse. In the theoretical part, I first defined the terms marriage, cohabitation and different ways of formally ending a relationship. I then focused on the definition of high conflict and abuse and the differences between the two. I outlined the problem of the lack of knowledge and skills of social workers and other professionals working with couples in the process of separation. I described in more detail the abuse in a relationship, the abuse after separation and the suffering experienced by women and children. I referred to legislation relating to family relationships, divorce and the prevention of domestic violence. I described the role of social work centers in the process of divorce or dissolution of a cohabitation and in the area of abuse. I outlined the importance of including the voice of the child in the collaborative relationship and addressed issues related to the application of the concept of parental alienation. To conclude the theoretical section, I have outlined the impact of divorce on children, particularly in cases of conflict or abuse. In the empirical part, I presented the results of seven interviews with social workers working in Slovenian social work centers with couples in the process of separation. The questions I asked were related to the approaches they use in their work. I was also interested in how they recognize high conflict, how they address it and how they include the child's voice in the process. I asked how they talk to a child. Finally, I wanted to know what they, as social workers with experience working with children of separated parents, thought about the impact of divorce on children. From the conversations, I learned that social workers sometimes mention elements of abuse when describing the high level of conflict. It is important to strictly differentiate and address these two issues as they are completely different situations that require different approaches. I started thinking about the fact that in Slovenia and abroad we still do not pay enough attention to abuse and often overlook it, either out of ignorance or because we believe that the situation is not that alarming.

Keywords:relationships, divorce and dissolution of cohabitation, post-separation abuse, child's voice, social work center

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