
Izraz vodnih teles v ročno izdelanih trajnostnih tekstilijah za oblačila
ID Krnc, Lara (Author), ID Jenko, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Peršuh, Nataša (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s trajnostnimi aspekti in praksami na področjih oblikovanja tekstilij in oblikovanja oblačil, s poudarkom na po uporabi in nadcikliranju. Prikazuje razvoj ročno izdelanih tekstilij in tekstur iz zavrženih materialov z uporabo različnih ročnih tekstilnih tehnik. Novonastale tekstilije so prenesene na oblačila in uporabljene za kreiranje, s čimer je nastala kolekcija novih oblačil. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena poraba vode v tekstilni industriji in njen negativni vpliv na onesnaževanje okolja. Poglobljeno raziskovanje vode je tudi likovno izhodišče eksperimentalnega dela. Največja poraba in onesnaženje vode nastaneta v začetnih postopkih izdelave surovin ter pri barvanju. V ospredje so postavljeni bombaž in bombažne tekstilije ter jeans, ki sodijo med najbolj potratne. Podrobneje je raziskana problematika zavrženih odpadnih tekstilij in oblačil. Te se v ogromnih količinah kopičijo predvsem v državah tretjega sveta ter s svojo dolgo dobo razkrajanja močno onesnažujejo okolje in tamkajšnjo podtalnico. Prav tako obremenjujejo lokalno prebivalstvo in ekonomijo. Drugi del teoretičnega dela se nanaša na tekstilno umetnost ter njen pomen v vsakdanjem življenju posameznika; tj. kako se je skozi zgodovino nekaj, kar je bilo ustvarjeno za zaščito naših teles, spremenilo v umetnost, s katero se prikazujejo različne vsebine ter sporoča in ozavešča. Ker tekstilije, ki so uporabljene v modni industriji, za seboj pustijo močan ogljični odtis, se vedno več modnih oblikovalcev posveča raziskovanju in ustvarjanju novih oblačil iz tehnik, kot je nadcikliranje. Eksperimentalni del naloge zajema raziskovanje različnih tekstur in tekstilij, narejenih iz odpadnih oblačil, blaga in mrtvih zalog, z uporabo ročnih statev in tkalskega okvirja ter tehnik, kot so kvačkanje, prešivanje, izdelovanje krpank (angl. Patchwork). Nova oblačila so bila razvita v trajnostnem duhu z nadcikliranjem. Ročno izdelane tekstilije postanejo nov oblačilni kos ali pa nadgradijo in preoblikujejo že obstoječe oblačilo. Oblikovanje oblačilne kolekcije je potekalo z direktnim drapiranjem tekstilij in oblačil po telesu ter z izdelavo kolažev novih silhuet v programu Photoshop. Izdelana oblačila so sodobna, voluminozna (skulpturalna), z zanimivimi površinskimi teksturami. Unikatna so, a nosljiva, z dodano vrednostjo ročno izdelanih tekstilij. Kolekcija oblačil je ženstvena ter s pridihom športnega videza. So udobna in enostavna za nošnjo. Ciljna skupina so ženske, ki so samozavestne in elegantne, pomembni sta jim udobje in trajnost.

Keywords:Voda, onesnaževanje, nadcikliranje, ročne tehnike, tekstilno in oblačilno oblikovanje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Expression of water bodies in handmade sustainable textiles for clothing
The diploma thesis deals with sustainable aspects and practices in the fields of textile and clothing design, with a focus on post-use and upcycling. It shows the development of handmade textiles and textures from discarded materials using different hand textile techniques. The newly created textiles are transferred to clothes and used for creation, resulting in a collection of new clothes. The theoretical part presents the water consumption in the textile industry and its negative impact on environmental pollution. The in-depth exploration of water is also an artistic starting point for experimental work. The greatest consumption and pollution of water occurs in the initial processes of raw material production and during dyeing. Cotton, cotton textiles and denim, which are among the most wasteful, are put in the foreground. The issue of discarded waste textiles and clothing is explored in more detail. These accumulate in huge quantities, especially in third world countries, and their long period of decomposition is highly polluting for the environment and the local groundwater. They also place burden on the local population and economy. The second part of the theoretical part refers to textile art and its importance in the everyday life of an individual, i.e. how something that was created to protect our bodies has been transformed throughout history into art that depicts different themes and communicates and raises awareness. As the textiles used in the fashion industry leave a strong carbon footprint, more and more fashion designers are devoting themselves to exploring and creating new garments from techniques such as upcycling. The experimental part of the thesis involves exploring different textures and textiles made from waste clothing, fabrics and dead stock, using hand looms, a weaving frame and techniques such as crochet, quilting, patchwork. The new clothes were developed in a sustainable spirit through upcycling. Handmade textiles become a new garment or upgrade and transform an existing garment. The design of the clothing collection was carried out by directly draping textiles and garments over the body and by making collages of new silhouettes in Photoshop program. The clothes produced are contemporary, voluminous (sculptural), with interesting surface textures. They are unique yet wearable, with the added value of handmade textiles. The clothing collection is feminine and with a hint of a sporty look. They are comfortable and easy to wear. The target group are women who are self-confident and elegant, for whom comfort and durability are important.

Keywords:Water, pollution, upcycling, manual techniques, textile and clothing design.

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