
Izvajanje osebne asistence v družinskem krogu
ID Kunič, Klara (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Renko, Maja (Comentor)

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Osebna asistenca kot podporna storitev filozofije neodvisnega življenja predstavlja kompleksno področje v okviru oblik pomoči osebam z ovirami, znotraj katerega se prepletajo odnosi med uporabniki, osebnimi asistenti in družinskimi člani uporabnika, ki lahko sami postanejo osebni asistenti ali pa so v ta odnos vključeni posredno, z vstopanjem zunanjega osebnega asistenta v družinski krog uporabnika. Med uporabniki in osebnimi asistenti se oblikujejo različna razmerja moči, pri čemer pa se v smislu uresničevanja namena osebne asistence pogosto postavlja vprašanje, ali naj vlogo osebnega asistenta opravlja družinski član ali zunanja oseba. To je odločitev, ki pomembno vpliva na kakovost življenja osebe z oviro in njegovih bližnjih ter je kot taka odvisna od specifičnih okoliščin, potreb in želja uporabnika pa tudi njegove družine. V diplomskem delu sta me zanimala doživljanje uporabnikov pri izbiri in izvajanju osebne asistence družinskih članov v primerjavi z zunanjimi osebnimi asistenti ter vpliv njihove izbire na družinsko dinamiko. Posebno pozornost sem namenila vstopu v družinski krog in intimo, koliziji interesov, socialni vključenosti uporabnikov, razmejitvi dela in zasebnega življenja družinskih članov ter mogočim tveganjem in zlorabam znotraj vzpostavljenega delovnega odnosa. Ugotovila sem, da odločitev za zaposlitev družinskih članov kot asistentov pogosto temelji na predhodnih izkušnjah z neformalno pomočjo, občutku varnosti in finančni stabilnosti. Po drugi strani pa je zaposlitev zunanjih asistentov motivirana z željo po razbremenitvi družinskih članov, izboljšanju socialne vključenosti ter strokovnosti podpore in pomoči. Spoznala sem, da je izvajanje osebne asistence povzročilo pomembne spremembe v družinski dinamiki, ki temeljijo predvsem na novovzpostavljenih medosebnih odnosih. Uporabniki so sami prepoznali pozitivne in negativne vidike zaposlitve družinskih članov in tudi zunanjih osebnih asistentov, pri čemer pozitivni vidiki zaposlitve družinskih članov vključujejo globlje poznavanje specifičnih potreb uporabnika, večjo prilagodljivost in občutek varnosti. Med negativnimi vidiki pa so izpostavljeni potencialni konflikti, čustvena obremenitev ter težave pri ločevanju delovnega in zasebnega življenja. Uporabniki so tako, kljub začetnemu stresu, ki ga prinaša vstop zunanjega asistenta v družino, poudarili njegov pomemben prispevek k družinski dinamiki. Izkazalo se je, da se družine v praksi tako sčasoma vseeno prilagodijo in z zunanjimi asistenti večinoma vzpostavijo delujoč odnos, ki temelji na medsebojnem sprejemanju in spoštovanju.

Keywords:osebna asistenca, izvajanje osebne asistence, uporabniki osebne asistence, osebni asistenti, družinski člani, družinska dinamika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161160 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Personal assistance within a family circle
Personal assistance, as a support service of the philosophy of independent living, represents a complex area within the forms of assistance given to people with disabilities, within which the relationships between individuals with disabilities, personal assistants, and family members of the individual are intertwined. These family members may become personal assistants themselves or be involved in this relationship indirectly, by adding an external personal assistant into the family circle. Different power dynamics are formed between users and their assistants, and in terms of fulfilling the purpose of personal assistance, the question often arises as to whether the role of the assistant should be performed by a family member or by an external professional. This is a decision that has a significant impact on the quality of life for the user and their family, and as such depends on the specific circumstances, needs, and wishes of the user and their circle. In my thesis, I was interested in the user’s thought process behind the choice and implementation of personal assistance via family members compared to external personal assistants and the impact of their choice on the family dynamics itself. I paid particular attention to the family and the intimacy within it. Conflicts of interest, social inclusion of users, the boundaries between work and private life of family members, and possible risks and stress within the established working relationship. I have found that the decision to employ family members as assistants is often based on previous experience with informal aid, a sense of security, and financial stability. On the other hand, hiring external assistants is motivated by the need for professionalism as well as the support and assistance provided by these professionals, relieving the burden on other family members and improving social inclusion. I have realized that the implementation of personal assistance has led to significant changes in family dynamics, mainly based on newly established interpersonal relationships. Users themselves have identified both positive and negative aspects of employing family members as well as external personal assistants, with the positive aspects of employing family members including a deeper understanding of the user’s specific needs, greater flexibility, and a sense of security. Negative aspects include potential conflicts, emotional strain, and difficulties in separating work and private life. Thus, despite the initial stress of having an external assistant in the family, the users highlighted the important contribution of the assistant to the family dynamics. It was found that families generally adapt over time and establish a functioning relationship with external assistants, based on mutual acceptance and respect.

Keywords:personal assistance, implementation of personal assistance, personal assistance users, personal assistants, family members, family dynamics

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