
Produkcija predstavitvenih videov študijskih programov Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete
ID Kaferle, Natalija (Author), ID Hladnik, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo opisuje proces produkcije predstavitvenih videov za vse študijske smeri Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete. Namen produkcije in diplomskega dela je izviral iz potrebe novih video vsebin, s katerimi bi se lahko fakulteta predstavljala predvsem dijakom, študentom, pa tudi v mednarodnih okoljih, podjetjem ipd. Cilj pa je bil na koncu izdelati predstavitvene vsebine, ki na pristen način prikazujejo dogajanje in vzdušje na fakulteti ter obenem vsebujejo vse potrebne informacije, ki bi bodočega študenta zanimale pri odločanju za študijski program. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene glavne faze klasične video produkcije: predprodukcija, produkcija in postprodukcija. V predprodukciji se oblikuje ideja, načrt, zbere se vso potrebno opremo in osebje ter se pripravi vsa dokumentacija (sinopsis, zgodboris, scenarij) za lažji in bolj optimiziran potek produkcije. V produkciji se izvede vse snemanje (posnetki, avdio itd.) in nabor ostalega potrebnega materiala (grafika, fotografije itd.). Zadnja faza pa je postprodukcija, kjer se ves posnet in zbran material združi v en ali več izdelkov. Tu se izvedejo porezava posnetkov, barvni popravki, učinki, montaža zvoka, vpeljava grafike ipd. Po teh korakih smo tudi mi izvedli produkcijo predstavitvenih videov, vendar so se v našem primeru posamezne faze produkcije veliko bolj prekrivale – besedilo za naracijo je bilo ustvarjeno šele tekom produkcije, osnovno porezavo posnetkov smo izvajali med produkcijo, ponovno snemanje naracije je potekalo tudi med postprodukcijo ipd. Tekom projekta smo naleteli tudi na mnogo drugih izzivov, katerih smo bili ob zaključku veseli, saj smo s tem nabrali veliko izkušenj in novih znanj. Rezultate diplomskega dela predstavlja šest predstavitvenih videov za posamezne študijske smeri v slovenskem jeziku, šest videov z angleškimi podnapisi in dva skupna videa za posebne namene. S pomočjo dodatne ali boljše opreme, predvsem pa boljših izvajalnih pogojev bi lahko nastali še boljši videi, vendar menimo, da so kljub mnogoterim izzivom in napakam nastali dobri predstavitveni videi.

Keywords:video produkcija, predstavitveni video, snemanje, naracija, montaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161157 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Production of Presentation Videos of Study Programs at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
The thesis describes the process of production of presentation videos for all study programs of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. The purpose of the production and the thesis itself came from the need for new video content, with which the faculty could present itself primarily to students, but also in international environments, to companies and so on. In the end, the goal was to create presentation content that authentically shows the happenings and atmosphere at the faculty and that at the same time contains all the necessary information that would be of interest to the future student when deciding on a study program. In the theoretical part, the main stages of classic video production are presented: pre-production, production, and post-production. In pre-production, an idea, a plan is formed, all necessary equipment and personnel are gathered, and all documentation (synopsis, story outline, script) is prepared for an easier and more optimized production process. In the production, all the recording (clips, audio, etc.) and a set of other necessary material (graphics, photos, etc.) are carried out. The final stage is post-production, where all recorded and collected material is combined into one or more products. This is where footage is cut, colour corrected, effects are added, sound editing, graphics introduction and the like are carried out. Following these steps, we also produced the presentation videos, but in our case the individual stages of the production overlapped much more - the text for the narration was created during the production, the basic cutting of the footage was done during the production, the re-recording of the narration also took place during post-production etc. In the course of the project, we also encountered many other challenges, which we were happy about at the end, because we gained a lot of experience and new knowledge. The results of the thesis represent 6 presentation videos for individual study courses in the Slovenian language, 6 videos with English subtitles and 2 common videos for special purposes. With the help of additional or better equipment, and above all better operating conditions, even better videos could be created, but we are of the opinion that, despite many challenges and mistakes, good presentation videos were created.

Keywords:video production, presentation video, recording, narration, editing

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