
Opazovanje prenosa toplote in snovi pri kapljičnem nanosu napovršino farmacevtske tablete
ID Spačal, Petja (Author), ID Golobič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Može, Matic (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali načine interakcije kapljic s farmacevtsko tableto. Poznavanje obnašanja kapljic ob stiku s tableto je pomembno za razumevanje in optimiziranje industrijskega procesa oblaganja tablet. Za opis interakcije kapljic disperzije s tableto smo izvedli več eksperimentalnih ovrednotenj, s katerimi smo simulirali pogoje industrijskega oblaganja. Na tablete smo nanašali kapljice različnih velikosti in sestave, analizirali smo vpliv frekvence nanašanja kapljic in pri vsem tem merili globino prodiranja snovi v jedro tablete. Za spremljanje procesov smo uporabili hitrotekočo kamero. Ugotovili smo, da hidrofobnost tablete in vrsta medija za ustvarjanje kapljic vplivata na globino penetracije kapljice. Iz rezultatov je razvidno tudi, da se pri nanašanju kapljic na enako mesto globina penetracije ne povečuje linearno. Ugotovili smo, da se etanol bolj razlije po površini farmacevtske tablete, hkrati pa ne prodre tako globoko kot voda. Spoznali smo, da se z večanjem deleža suhe snovi v topilu za oblaganje globina omočenja zmanjša, na bolj hidrofilnih tabletah pa se kapljice vpijejo globlje.

Keywords:oblaganje tablet, dozirnik kapljic, kapljice, omočenje površine, hitrotekoča kamera, farmacevtska tableta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Title:Observation of heat and mass transfer during dropletdeposition on the surface of a pharmaceutical tablet
In the thesis, we explored the interactions between droplets and a pharmaceutical tablet. Understanding the behavior of droplets upon contact with the tablet is crucial for comprehending and optimizing the industrial tablet coating process. To describe the interaction between dispersion droplets and the tablet, we conducted several experiments simulating industrial coating conditions. We applied droplets of different sizes and compositions onto the tablets, analyzed the impact of droplet deposition frequency, and measured the penetration depth of the substance into the tablet core. The processes were monitored using a high-speed camera. We found that the hydrophobicity of the tablet and the type of liquid used to create the droplets affect the penetration depth. The results also indicate that when droplets are applied to the same spot, the penetration depth does not increase linearly. We discovered that ethanol spreads more across the surface of the pharmaceutical tablet but does not penetrate as deeply as water. We also found that increasing the solid content in the coating solvent reduces the wetting depth. Additionally, we concluded that droplets are absorbed more deeply in more hydrophilic tablets.

Keywords:tablet coating, droplet dispenser, droplets, surface wetting, high-speed camera, pharmaceutical tablet

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