
Vrednotenje stabilnosti nelinearno elastičnih nosilcev z metodo končnih elementov
ID Zupančič, Jure (Author), ID Brojan, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri snovanju konstrukcij iz tankostenstkih struktur je eden izmed ključnih korakov ovrednotenje njihove stabilnosti. Med obremenjevanjem predvsem s tlačnimi napetostmi lahko struktura sunkovito preide iz ravnovesnega stanja, kar lahko povzroči porušitev. V inženirski praksi so analize opravljene bodisi z analitičnimi formulami, ki jih predvidevajo standardi bodisi z uporabo končnih elementov, če gre za bolj kompleksno sestavo. V veliki večini primerov je uporabljena predpostavka, da je material linearno elastičen. V takem primeru je analiza izvedena z upoštevanjem Hookovega zakona, ki material opisuje s konstantno togostjo, izraženo z modulom elastičnosti. Dandanes se namesto kovin velikokrat uporabljajo polimerni materiali, za katere pa predpostavka linearne elastičnosti ne velja. Takim materialom se z deformacijo lahko togost povečuje ali zmanjšuje. Cilj zaključne naloge je razviti računalniški program za numerično vrednotenje stabilnosti nelinearno elastičnega nosilca z metodo končnih elementov. Zavoljo obravnave velikih deformacij je bila za izdelan program izbrana korotacijska formulacija končnih elementov. Za opis deformacijskega obnašanja nosilca je bila upoštevana Bernoullijeva teorija nosilcev. Iterativno računanje je izvedeno po metodi ločnih poti, za materialni zakon pa je upoštevan posplošen Ludwickov zakon, ki opisuje nelinearno obnašanje materiala.

Keywords:stabilnost, materialna nelinearnost, Ludwickov zakon, uklon, korotacijski končni elementi, metoda ločne poti
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Number of pages:XII, 25 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161144 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:215027459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of stability of nonlinearly elastic beams with finite element method
One of the most important steps in the design of thin-walled structures is the evaluation of their stability. During loading, especially under compressive stress, the structure can suddenly shift from a stable state, which can lead to its collapse. In engineering practice, the analyses are performed either with analytical formulas defined by standards or with numerically, e.g. using the finite element method if the composition is more complex. In most cases, it is assumed that the material is linearly elastic. In such a case, the analysis is performed using Hooke’s law, which uses a constant stiffness, expressed by a modulus of elasticity, to describe the material. Nowadays, polymeric materials are often used instead of metals, for which the assumption of linear elasticity does not apply. The stiffness of such materials can either decrease or increase during deformation. The aim of this thesis is to develop a computer program to numerically evaluate the stability of a nonlinear elastic beam using the finite element method. Due to the need to cope with large deformations, a corotational formulation of the finite elements was chosen. The deformation behavior of the beam was determined based on the Bernoulli beam theory. Iterative calculations were carried out using the arc length method and generalized Ludwick's law was used for the material law, which describes the nonlinear behavior of the material.

Keywords:stability, material non-linearity, Ludwick’s law, buckling, corotational finite elements, arc-length method

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