
Strategije uravnavanja jeze pri učiteljih razrednega pouka : magistrsko delo
ID Prosenc, Nina (Author), ID Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo čustvo jeze in strategije njenega uravnavanja pri učiteljih razrednega pouka. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavimo različne opredelitve čustev glede na sestavo in izvor, nato pa opišemo procese čustvovanja. Zatem sledi predstavitev začetkov razvoja čustev in načinov njihovega uravnavanja. V naslednjem poglavju čustva razdelimo glede na njihove značilnosti v posamezne skupine ter podrobneje opišemo nekaj temeljnih in kompleksnih čustev. Navedemo tudi glavne funkcije čustev in predstavimo področja prepoznavanja, izražanja in uravnavanja čustev ter strategije uravnavanja čustev. Sledi opredelitev učiteljevega doživljanja in uravnavanja čustev v razredu ter opis modelov učiteljevega profesionalnega razvoja. V empiričnem delu predstavimo potek in rezultate raziskave o doživljanju in strategijah uravnavanja jeze, ki jih pri svojem delu uporabljajo razredni učitelji, vključeni v raziskavo. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 92 razrednih učiteljev iz 17 osnovnih šol osrednjeslovenske in dolenjske regije. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki sta ga oblikovali Smrtnik Vitulić in Prosen (2016). V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kako pogosto učitelji razrednega pouka pri svojem delu doživljajo jezo in kakšne strategije uravnavanja jeze pri tem uporabljajo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali obstajajo razlike v pogostosti doživljanja jeze in v pogostosti uporabe posameznih strategij njenega uravnavanja med učitelji, ki poučujejo v različnih razredih in se nahajajo v različnih fazah profesionalnega razvoja. Na podlagi rezultatov smo prišli do zaključkov, da večina učiteljev pri svojem delu jezo doživlja malokrat ali pa sploh ne. Med učitelji prvega in drugega razreda, drugega in tretjega razreda ter drugega in četrtega razreda so se pojavile statistično pomembne razlike v pogostosti doživljanja jeze, med učitelji ostalih parov razredov pa ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Glede na njihovo stopnjo profesionalnega razvoja se med učitelji niso pojavile statistično pomembne razlike v pogostosti doživljanja jeze. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji pri svojem delu uporabljajo vse strategije uravnavanja jeze. Najpogosteje uporabljene strategije pa so bile: ˝kognitivno prevrednotenje pomena situacije˝, nato ˝sprememba situacije˝ in ˝preoblikovanje odziva doživljanja˝. Med učitelji prvega in tretjega razreda, drugega in tretjega razreda, tretjega in petega razreda ter četrtega in petega razreda so se pojavile statistično pomembne razlike v pogostosti uporabe strategije sprememba situacije. Prav tako so se med učitelji prvega in tretjega razreda, prvega in četrtega razreda, tretjega in petega razreda ter četrtega in petega razreda pojavile statistično pomembne razlike v pogostosti uporabe strategije preusmerjanje pozornosti. Glede na njihovo stopnjo profesionalnega razvoja se med učitelji niso pojavile statistično pomembne razlike v pogostosti uporabe posameznih strategij uravnavanja jeze. Učitelji so pri svojem delu ves čas v stiku z drugimi ljudmi, zato ima njihovo doživljanje, izražanje in uravnavanje jeze pomemben vpliv na njihovo delo in odnose z učenci.

Keywords:čustva, jeza, strategije uravnavanja jeze, učitelji razrednega pouka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Prosenc
Number of pages:44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161131-6467ac7d-e0ae-4f19-b92b-6c6cee5520ed This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206721795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Anger management strategies of primary school teachers
In the master's thesis, we discuss the emotion of anger and strategies for its regulation in classroom teachers. In the theoretical part, we first present four different definitions of emotions according to their composition and origin, then we describe the processes of emotions. This is followed by a presentation of the beginnings of the development of emotions and ways of regulating them. In the next chapter, emotions are divided into individual groups. According to their characteristics then we describe in more detail some of the main basic and complex emotions. Next we list the main functions of emotions and present the areas of recognition, expression and regulation of emotions as well as emotion regulation strategies. We also define the teacher's experience and regulation of emotions in the classroom and describe the course of the teacher's professional development. In the empirical part, we present the course and results of the research on the experience and anger management strategies used by the classroom teachers who were included in the research. 92 classroom teachers from 17 primary schools in the Osrednjeslovenska and Dolenjska regions were included in the research. We obtained the data using a questionnaire designed by Smrtnik Vitulić and Prosen (2016). In the master's thesis, we were interested in how often classroom teachers experience anger in their work at school and what anger management strategies they use. We were also interested in whether there are differences in the frequency of experiencing anger and in the frequency of using individual strategies for its regulation among teachers who teach in different classes and are in different phases of professional development. Based on the results, we came to the conclusions that most teachers rarely experience anger in their work or not at all. There were statistically significant differences in the frequency of experiencing anger between teachers of first and second grade, second and third grade, and second and fourth grade, but there were no statistically significant differences between teachers of other grades. In contrast, no statistically significant differences emerged among teachers in the frequency of experiencing anger according to their level of professional development. The results showed that teachers use all anger management strategies in their work at school. The most frequently used strategies were: ''cognitive reevaluation of the meaning of the situation'', then ''changing the situation'' and ''transformation of the response of experience''. There were statistically significant differences in the frequency of using the change of situation strategy between the teachers of first and third grade, second and third grade, and third and fifth grade. Also, there were statistically significant differences in the frequency of using the attention diversion strategy between first and third grade, first and fourth grade, and third and fifth grade teachers. According to their level of professional development, there were no statistically significant differences between the teachers in the frequency of use of individual anger management strategies. In their work, teachers are in contact with other people all the time, so their experience, expression and regulation of anger has a significant impact on their work and relationships with students.

Keywords:emotions, anger, anger management strategies, classroom teachers

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