
Nevtralizacija subverzivnega: mainstreamizacija političnih grafitov v post-industrijskem urbanem prostoru poznega kapitalizma
ID Dolinšek, Andraž (Author), ID Velikonja, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo se ukvarja s problematiko nevtralizacije subverzivnega potenciala političnih grafitov v sodobnem urbanem prostoru skozi njihovo vpeljavo v kulturni, družbeno-politični in ekonomski mainstream današnjega časa. Opredeljuje temeljne značilnosti grafitov in njihove političnosti. Skicira ključne elemente sodobne urbanosti v odnosu do sfer produkcije in potrošnje dobrin in storitev. Mainstreamizacijo političnih grafitov analizira na ozadju transformacije post-industrijskega urbanega prostora v neoliberalnem kontekstu. Ta poteka skozi trojico procesov: gentrifikacijo, vzpon zasebno lastninjenih javnih prostorov in razmah koncepta mestnih blagovnih znamk. Delo vlogo sistemov in infrastruktur sveta umetnosti, ki bistveno določajo poskuse nevtralizacije radikalnosti in subverzivnega potenciala političnih grafitov. Pri tem na umetnost gleda kot na družbeno pogojeno in družbeno konstruirano prakso. Primarno teoretično analizo dopolnjuje študija primera, ki se posveti hongkonškemu grafitarju Tsang Tsou-Choiju. Primere političnih grafitov analizira s pomočjo epistemološkega trikotnika konteksta, intence in recepcije, ki ga dopolnjuje politično-filozofski pojem nerazumevanja. Delo ugotavlja, da politični grafiti v sodobnem urbanem prostoru ohranjajo specifično dvojnost. So transgresivni, preganjani in zaničevani. Hkrati so podvrženi imperativu komodifikacije. Ob tem ohranjajo svojo specifično političnost in radikalnost, njihova mainstreamizacija nikdar ne uspe v celoti.

Keywords:politični grafiti, post-industrijski urbanizem, svet umetnosti, mainstreamizacija, nerazumevanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161130 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Title:Neutralising the subversive: mainstreaming political graffiti in the post-industrial urban space of late capitalism
The thesis is concerned with the issue of neutralising the subversive potential of political graffiti within the contemporary urban space through its introduction into the cultural, socio-political and economic mainstream of our time. It defines the fundamental characteristics of graffiti and its politicality. It sketches the key elements of contemporary urban spaces as they relate to the spheres of production and consumption of goods and services. It analyses the mainstreaming of political graffiti which occurs against the background of a transformation of post-industrial urban spaces in a neoliberal context. Said transformation takes place within a framework of gentrification, ever-expanding privately owned public spaces, as well as the rise in urban marketing and city branding. Emphasis is given to the concept of art worlds as well as their infrastructures which are of great importance to the whole process of de-radicalising political graffiti. The analysis is complemented by a case study focusing on the Hong Kong graffiti artist Tsang Tsou-Choi. The work concludes by describing political graffiti as enjoying a certain duality within contemporary urban environments, being both despised as well as celebrated.

Keywords:political graffiti, post-industrial urbanism, art world, mainstreaming, disagreement

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