
Bela emigracija v Zelenem peklu 1924–1938 : Paragvaj med svetovnima vojnama: ruski migranti in vojna za Chaco : magistrsko delo
ID Ramuš, Maja (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podlesnik, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uspela sem zbrati pomembne obstoječe špansko, portugalsko in angleško govoreče vire o vojni za Chaco in v njihov kontekst postaviti ruske vire o ruskih migrantih v Paragvaju v 20. in 30. letih 20. stoletja. Cilj magistrskega dela je kritična analiza edinstvene situacije ruskih migrantov v Paragvaju v kontekstu vojne za Chaco. Kakšen je bil pomen belih ruskih migrantov? Kakšna je bila njihova vloga v vojni? Kdo je migriral in zakaj? Kaj se je zgodilo z njimi po vojni? Vse to so vprašanja, na katera bom poskušala odgovoriti ter hkrati kritično ovrednotiti razloge za izbruh vojne za Chaco, potek spopadov in razloge za paragvajsko zmago. Razložila bom, kako so se rusko-nemški menoniti iz Kanade na pragu vojne znašli v pokrajini Chaco Boreal ter zakaj in iz kakšnega razloga jih je paragvajska vlada povabila na neposeljena območja. Prav tako bom pojasnila življenjsko zgodbo in delovanje generala Ivana T. Beljajeva ter kritično obrazložila njegov doprinos, ne le k vojni za Chaco, temveč k sami paragvajski skupnosti in odnosu do domorodcev. Istočasno bom omenila še zgodbe drugih belih oficirjev ter delovanje generala Nikolaja F. Erna. Opozorila bom na naraščajoča nesoglasja v migrantski skupnosti in vlogo belih oficirjev ter posebej izpostavila zapuščino ruskih migrantov v Paragvaju iz tega obdobja.

Keywords:Paragvaj, vojna za Chaco, ruski emigranti, beli oficirji, Ruski imperij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Ramuš
Number of pages:129 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161125-96750a6b-2634-0417-302d-d31650d7713c This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206829571 This link opens in a new window
REЗЮME: f. 126-129
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:White emigration in the Green hell 1924–1938 : Paraguay between the World Wars: Russian migrants and the Chaco war : magistrsko delo
I managed to collect all the important existing Spanish, Portuguese and English-speaking sources on the Chaco War and put them side by side with Russian sources on Russian migrants in Paraguay in the 1920s and 1930s. The aim of the Master’s thesis is a critical analysis of the unique situation of Russian migrants in Paraguay in the context of the Chaco War. What was the significance of the White Russian migrants? What was their role in the war? Who migrated and why? What happened after the war? All these are questions that I will try to answer and at the same time critically evaluate the reasons for the outbreak of the Chaco War, the course of the fighting and the reasons for the Paraguayan victory. I will explain how Russian-German Mennonites from Canada found themselves in the Chaco Boreal region on the verge of war, and why and for what reason the Paraguayan government invited them. I will explain the life story and activities of general Ivan T. Beljajev and what his contribution was, not only to the war for the Chaco, but to the Paraguayan community itself and to the natives. At the same time, I will also mention the fleeting stories of other white officers and the activities of general Nikolaj F. Ern. I will draw attention to the growing disagreements in the migrant community and to the role of white officers. Finally, I will especially highlight the legacy of Russian migrants in Paraguay from this period.

Keywords:Paraguay, Chaco war, Russian emigrants, white officers, Russian Empire

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