
Prostorska variabilnost prsti v Sloveniji
ID Grad, Jaka (Author), ID Repe, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo preučuje prostorsko variabilnost prsti v Sloveniji s poudarkom na vplivu geografskih dejavnikov, pedodiverziteti in endemizmu prsti. Cilj raziskave je bil celovito preučiti vpliv geografskih dejavnikov, kot so nadmorska višina, naklon površja in gostota prebivalstva, na raznolikost prsti v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na kvantifikaciji pedodiverzitete in identifikaciji endemičnih tipov prsti ter določiti, kako ti dejavniki prispevajo k variabilnosti prsti. Metodološki pristop je temeljil na uporabi geografskih sistemov (GIS) in programskega jezika Python za analizo podatkov, kar je omogočilo natančno kvantifikacijo pedodiverzitete z uporabo kazalnikov, kot so število vrst, Shannonov indeks diverzitete, Gini-Simpsonov indeks in indeks enakomernosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da geografski dejavniki pomembno vplivajo na razporeditev prsti. Zlasti nadmorska višina in naklon površja močno vplivata na manjšo prisotnost in raznolikost tipov prsti. Geomorfološke oblike so se izkazale za ključne pri vplivu na razporeditev prsti, specifični tipi prsti se pojavljajo predvsem na določenih geomorfoloških enotah. Analize korelacij so pokazale močne povezave med pedodiverziteto in geografskimi dejavniki, pri čemer je gostota prebivalstva izkazala pozitivne korelacije s pedodiverziteto. V raziskavi smo prav tako identificirali specifične endemične tipe prsti, izmed katerih so nekateri geografsko zelo omejeni, kar poudarja njihovo večjo ranljivost in potrebo po ohranjanju. Ugotovitve raziskave prispevajo k poglobljenemu razumevanju pedodiverzitete ter razporeditve prsti v Sloveniji in nudijo podlago za nadaljnje raziskave ter strateško načrtovanje na področju kategorizacije in varstva prsti.

Keywords:tipi prsti, geografski informacijski sistemi, endemizem prsti, pedodiverziteta, prostorska variabilnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161105 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Spatial variability of soils in Slovenia
The thesis examines the spatial variability of soils in Slovenia, focusing on the influence of geographical factors, pedodiversity and soil endemism. The aim of the study was to comprehensively investigate the influence of geographical factors such as altitude, slope and population density on soil variability in Slovenia, focusing on the quantification of pedodiversity and the identification of endemic soil types, and to determine how these factors contribute to soil variability. The methodological approach was based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Python programming language for data analysis, which allowed for a precise quantification of pedodiversity using indicators such as number of species, Shannon diversity index, Gini-Simpson index and evenness index. The results showed that geographical factors have a significant influence on soil distribution. In particular, altitude and slope have a strong influence on the minor presence and diversity of soil types. Geomorphological forms have been shown to be key in influencing the distribution of soils, with specific soil types occurring mainly in certain geomorphological units. Correlation analyses showed strong correlations between pedodiversity and geographical factors, with population density showing positive correlations with pedodiversity. The study also identified specific endemic soil types, some of which are very restricted geographically, highlighting their greater vulnerability and need for conservation. The findings of the study contribute to a deeper understanding of pedodiversity and soil distribution in Slovenia and provide a basis for further research and strategic planning in the field of soil categorisation and conservation.

Keywords:soil types, geographic information systems, soil endemism, pedodiversity, spatial variability

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