
Razvoj elektrokemijskega biosenzorja za občutljivo detekcijo biomarkerja raka prostate
ID Koderman, Mitja (Author), ID Kolar, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hočevar, Samo (Comentor)

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Rak prostate je pri moških v Evropi in Sloveniji najpogostejši rak in tretji po smrtnosti. Določanje biomarkerjev, kot je za prostato specifični antigen, omogoča zgodnje odkritje bolezni in s tem povečuje možnost ozdravitve oz. preživetja. V magistrski nalogi sem razvijal imunosenzor za PSA, ki sem ga detektiral z elektrokemijsko impedančno spektroskopijo. Imunosenzor temelji na nanostrukturnem titanovem oksinitridu, ki je dopiran z rutenijem, na nosilcu iz grafena. Material je silaniziran s (3-aminopropil)trietoksisilanom, nadaljnje modifikacijske plasti imunosenzorja pa so iz glutaraldehida, proteina A, anti-PSA protiteles in govejega serumskega albumina. Vsaka modifikacijska plast je služila določeni nalogi z glavnim ciljem učinkovite imobilizacije protiteles ter občutljivega in selektivnega zaznavanja PSA. Izvedel sem optimizacijo priprave plasti imunosenzorja in preučil vpliv posameznih korakov priprave ter izbranih operacijskih parametrov. S pomočjo negativne kontrole sem uspešno potrdil detekcijo PSA in pokazal linearen odziv imunosenzorja na antigen v klinično pomembnem koncentracijskem območju.

Keywords:rak prostate, imunosenzor, elektrokemijska impedančna spektroskopija, titanov oksinitrid, za prostato specifični antigen
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161077 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of an electrochemical biosensor for sensitive detection of a prostate cancer biomarker
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in Europe and Slovenia and the third cause of cancer death. The detection of biomarkers, such as prostate-specific antigen, allows early detection of the disease and thus increases patients’ chances of survival. In this work, an immunosensor for the electrochemical impedance spectroscopic detection of PSA was developed. The immunosensor is based on nanosized graphene sheets, decorated with titanium oxynitride nanoparticles and ruthenium catalysts. The material was silanized using (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane and the subsequent modification layers included glutaraldehyde, protein A, anti-PSA antibodies and bovine serum albumin. Each modification layer served a specific purpose, with the main goal of effective immobilization of the antibodies, followed by sensitive and selective detection of PSA. Deposition of immunosensor’s layers was conducted along with studying the effect of fabrication steps and selected operational parameters. The PSA detection was confirmed via negative control and linear response of the immunosensor toward antigen in the clinically relevant concentration range was demonstrated.

Keywords:prostate cancer, immunosensor, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, titanium oxynitride, prostate-specific antigen

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