
Uvedba in optimizacija testov biološke aktivnosti nekaterih spojin, zanimivih za kozmetične preparate
ID Trošt, Pia (Author), ID Dolinar, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pomembno vlogo pri staranju kože imajo encimi, ki sodelujejo pri sintezi melanina, ali razgrajujejo komponente zunajceličnega matriksa. Mnogi izmed teh encimov so prisotni v vrhnjih plasteh kože, kjer lahko nanje vplivamo z nanosom kozmetičnih izdelkov z aktivnimi sestavinami. V mnoge kozmetične izdelke kot učinkovine dodajajo inhibitorje encimov, ki vplivajo na stanje in izgled kože. Za odkrivanje potencialnih novih inhibitorjev je ključnega pomena razvoj enostavnih in robustnih testov za določanje encimske aktivnosti. V raziskovalni nalogi smo optimizirali test aktivnosti za dva encima, ki sodelujeta pri staranju kože, in sicer tirozinazo ter hialuronidazo. Optimizacija testa za matriksno metalopeptidazo-1 (MMP-1) ni bila uspešna. V vseh primerih smo si kot osnovo izbrali spektrofotometrični test, saj ima preprost postopek izvedbe in omogoča enostavno detekcijo signala tudi pri velikem številu vzorcev. Najprej smo izmerili aktivnost posameznih encimov brez prisotnosti inhibitorja, s čimer smo določili koncentracijo encima, ki daje signal ustrezne intenzitete. Te teste smo nato ponovili v prisotnosti že znanega inhibitorja encima in tako potrdili njegovo učinkovitost. Pri testu aktivnosti tirozinaze smo testirali različne koncentracije encima, barvila tetrametilbenzidin (TMB) in Ag$^+$ ionov. Na podlagi meritev smo pripravili optimiziran postopek, ki smo ga validirali še z meritvami inhibitornega učinka kodžijske kisline (angl. kojic acid), ki je znan inhibitor tirozinaze. Pri testu aktivnosti hialuronidaze smo testirali različne čase inkubacije in koncentracije karbocianinskega barvila »Stains-all« ter hialuronske kisline, ki v reakciji deluje kot substrat. Validacijo optimiziranega postopka smo izvedli z meritvami inhibitornega učinka apigenina, ki inhibira širok nabor hialuronidaz. Z uporabo teh testov je mogoče določiti aktivnost novih inhibitorjev in primerjati njihovo učinkovitost z že znanimi inhibitorji teh encimov. Pri testu aktivnosti MMP-1 smo kot substrat uporabili fluorescenčno označeno želatino, vendar pri merjenju nismo zaznali pričakovanega naraščanja fluorescence. Za optimizacijo tega testa bi verjetno morali uporabiti še kakšen drug substrat in izvesti dodatne teste.

Keywords:encimski test, tirozinaza, hialuronidaza, matriksna metalopeptidaza-1 (MMP-1), spektrofotometrija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161076 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:213410563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Introduction and optimization of bioassays for selected compounds of interest for cosmetical preparations
Enzymes involved in melanin synthesis or degradation of the extracellular matrix play an important role in skin ageing. Many of these enzymes are present in the top layers of the skin, where they can be influenced by the application of cosmetic products with active ingredients. Many cosmetic products contain enzyme inhibitors as active ingredients, with the idea to affect the condition and appearance of the skin. The development of simple and robust assays for the determination of enzyme activity is crucial for the detection of potential new enzyme inhibitors. In this study, we optimised the activity assay for two enzymes involved in skin ageing, tyrosinase and hyaluronidase. We also tried to optimise the assay for matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), but were unable to obtain adequate measurements. In all cases, we chose the spectrophotometric assay as the baseline as it has a simple procedure and allows easy signal detection even with a large number of samples. First, the activity of the individual enzymes was measured in the absence of the inhibitor to determine the concentration of the enzyme giving a signal of the appropriate intensity. These tests were then repeated in the presence of a known enzyme inhibitor to prove its effectiveness. In the tyrosinase activity assay, different concentrations of enzyme, tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) dye and Ag$^+$ ions were tested. Based on these measurements, an optimised procedure was developed and validated by measuring the inhibitory effect of kojic acid, a known tyrosinase inhibitor. For the hyaluronidase activity test, different incubation times and concentrations of the carbocyanine dye »Stains-all« and of hyaluronic acid, which acts as a substrate in the reaction, were tested. Validation of the optimised procedure was carried out by measuring the inhibitory effect of apigenin, which inhibits a wide range of hyaluronidases. Using these assays, it is possible to determine the activity of new inhibitors and to compare their efficacy with already known inhibitors of these enzymes. For the MMP-1 activity assay, fluorescently labelled gelatin was used as a substrate, but unexpectedly, no increase in fluorescence was detected. To optimise this assay, we would probably need to consider other substrates and perform additional tests.

Keywords:enzyme activity assay, tyrosinase, hyaluronidase, matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), spectrophotometry

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