
Odprtokodno jedrno omrežje 5G
ID Kalčič, Matevž (Author), ID Burnik, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na vzpostavitev in konfiguracijo zasebnega jedrnega omrežja 5G z uporabo odprtokodnega paketa Open5GS. Glavna cilja sta implementacija ključnih elementov jedrnega omrežja v okolju Docker in verifikacija delovanja omrežja s pomočjo simulatorja UERANSIM. V uvodu so predstavljeni cilji in pomembnost uporabe odprtokodnih rešitev za zasebna 5G omrežja. Teoretični del obravnava osnove 5G tehnologije, arhitekturo jedrnega omrežja, projekt Open5GS in uporabo Dockerja. Implementacija opisuje vzpostavitev Docker okolja za Open5GS, konfiguracijo jedrnih elementov ter integracijo simulatorja. Razprava analizira prednosti in izzive odprtokodnih rešitev ter zaključuje, da kombinacija Open5GS in Dockerja omogoča fleksibilno in stroškovno učinkovito rešitev za zasebna 5G omrežja z velikim potencialom za prilagoditve in inovacije v telekomunikacijah.

Keywords:Odprtokodno jedrno omrežje 5G, 5G tehnologija, Open5GS, arhitektura 5G, Docker, UERANSIM
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161067 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206918403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Title:Opensource 5G Core Implementation
The thesis focuses on the establishment and configuration of a private 5G core network using the open-source package Open5GS. The main objective is to implement key elements of the core network in a Docker environment and verify the network's functionality using the UERANSIM simulator. The introduction presents the goals and the importance of using open-source solutions for private 5G networks. The theoretical part covers the basics of 5G technology, the core network architecture, the Open5GS project, and the use of Docker. The implementation section describes the setup of a Docker environment for Open5GS, the configuration of core elements, and the integration of the simulator. The discussion analyzes the advantages and challenges of open-source solutions and concludes that the combination of Open5GS and Docker provides a flexible and cost-effective solution for private 5G networks with great potential for customization and innovation in telecommunications.

Keywords:Open-source 5G core network, 5G technology, Open5GS, 5G architecture, Docker, UERANSIM

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