
Zaznavanje in manipulacija deformabilnih objektov z robotom
ID Budjak, Stojan (Author), ID Mihelj, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šlajpah, Sebastjan (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali uporabo robota UR5e, kamere Visionary-T in tekočega traku za avtomatizirano zarezovanje krušnega testa. Cilj raziskave je bil razviti učinkovit in natančen sistem za zarezovanje testa, ki bi povečal produktivnost in zmanjšal potrebo po ročnem delu v pekarnah. Sistem je sestavljen iz treh glavnih komponent: robota UR5e za natančno rezanje, kamere Visionary-T za pridobivanje oblakov točk krušnega testa in tekočega traku za transport kruha skozi proces. Uporabili smo tudi računalnik za obdelavo oblakov točk, pri čemer smo uporabljali programski jezik Python. Komponente sistema so povezane na laboratorijsko omrežje prek Ethernet povezave in komunicirajo prek TCP/IP protokola. Kamera Visionary-T je priključena na robota UR5e. Ko laser na tekočem traku zazna testo, se trak zaustavi, kamera pa zajame oblak točk, ki ga prek FTP protokola pošlje na računalnik. Računalnik obdeluje oblak točk z algoritmom, ki vključuje odstranjevanje izstopajočih točk (ang. statistical outlier removal) in odstranjevanje ravnine z naključnim vzorčnim konsenzom (ang. Random Sample Consensus, RANSAC). Koeficiente ravnine določimo ročno glede na postavitev kamere Visionary-T. Nato se oblak točk zgladi in z analizo glavnih komponent (ang. Principal Component Analysis, PCA) določijo osi. Na tej točki se tudi izmerijo dimenzije testa in oblikuje optimalna škatla v obliki kvadra za krušno testo. Glede na uporabnikove zahteve se določita kot rezanja in število linij zarezovanja, oziroma uporabnik nastavi, kako naj se krušno testo zareže. Vsaka določena točka vsebuje tri koordinate (x, y, z), ki se pošljejo robotu po ustrezni kalibraciji, saj kamera in robot uporabljata različna koordinatna sistema. Za namen te raziskave smo določili tri linije zarezovanja, kar pomeni 18 točk (3 linije x 2 točki x 3 koordinate). Ko robot prejme te točke, se trak ponovno zažene in robot začne z zarezovanje krušnega testa. Sistem omogoča prilagoditev načina zarezovanja prek računalnika, kar omogoča različne oblike in vzorce zarezovanja testa. Raziskava je bila izvedena eksperimentalno, z integracijo in optimizacijo delovanja vseh komponent. Glavne ugotovitve vključujejo večjo natančnost zarezovanja krušnega testa, zmanjšanje odpadkov in povečanje hitrosti proizvodnje. Sistem je prilagodljiv za različne vrste in velikosti kruha, kar dodatno prispeva k njegovi uporabnosti v pekarnah.

Keywords:robotika, avtomatizacija, UR5e, Visionary-T, tekoči trak, obdelava oblakov točk, kalibracija, avtomatizirano zarezovanje testa.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161053-69c51b05-ad33-ce36-7cb6-17455b829002 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206829827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Robot-based detection and manipulation of deformable objects
In this thesis, we investigated the use of the UR5e robot, the Visionary-T camera, and a conveyor belt for automated bread dough cutting. The goal of the research was to develop an efficient and accurate dough notching system that would increase productivity and reduce the need for manual labour in bakeries. The system consists of three main components: the robot UR5e for precise slicing, camera Visionary-T for capturing bread point clouds, and a conveyor belt for transporting the bread through the process. We also used a computer to process the point clouds, using the Python programming language. The system components are connected to the laboratory network via an Ethernet connection and communicate via TCP/IP protocol. The Visionary-T camera is connected to the UR5e robot. When the laser on the conveyor belt detects the presence of dough, the belt stops, and the camera captures a point cloud, which is then sent to the computer via the FTP protocol. The computer processes the point cloud using an algorithm that includes statistical outlier removal and plane removal using Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC). We manually determine the plane coefficients based on the setup of the Visionary-T camera. The point cloud is then smoothed and the axes are determined using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). At this point, the dimensions of the dough are also measured and the optimal square-shaped box for the bread dough is designed. Depending on the user's requirements, the cutting angle and the number of cuts are determined, with the user specifying how the bread dough should be cut. Each specified point contains three coordinates (x, y, z), which are sent to the robot after proper calibration, since the camera and robot use different coordinate systems. For the purpose of this research, we have defined three cutting lines, which means 18 points (3 lines x 2 points x 3 coordinates). When the robot receives these points, the belt restarts, and the robot starts cutting the bread dough. The system allows the cutting mode to be adjusted via the computer, allowing various shapes and cutting patterns of the bread dough. The research was conducted experimentally by integrating and optimising the performance of all components. The main findings include increased accuracy of bread dough notching, reduced waste and increased production speed. The system is adaptable to different types and sizes of bread dough, further enhancing its usefulness in bakeries. Based on the results, we concluded that the system is reliable and efficient for use in bakeries.

Keywords:robotics, automation, UR5e, Visionary-T, conveyor belt, point cloud processing, calibration, automated dough notching.

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