
Izolacija tanina iz lesnega prahu in ugotavljanje fizikalnih lastnosti preostanka lesa
ID Gobec, Matej (Author), ID Kranjc, Krištof (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Najboljša tehnika za ekstrakcijo taninov iz lesnega prahu z laboratorijsko opremo, ki sem jo imel na voljo, je bila ekstrakcija pod refluksom. Kljub prednostim ekstrakcije s Soxhletovim aparatom, se zaradi časovnih omejitev nisem odločil zanjo. Vakuumska filtracija po ekstrakciji pod refluksom je najbolj časovno potraten del postopka, a se z uporabo večjih filtrov lahko primerno skrajša. Izmed testiranih topil je bila najbolj primerna mešanica metanola in vode, ker je dosegala zadostno ekstrakcijo taninov, brez dodatnih težav, ki so se pojavile pri uporabi samo vode. Z analizo velikosti prašnih delcev ugotovimo, da se po ekstrakciji povprečna velikost delcev zmanjša v primerjavi z začetnim lesnim prahom. Do prašne eksplozije je prišlo le pri lesnem prahu, ki je ostal po ekstrakciji z mešanico metanola in vode. Pri surovem lesnem prahu in tistem, ki je ostal po ekstrakciji z vodo, do eksplozij ni prišlo. Iz rezultatov sklepamo, da v uporabljenem lesnem prahu vlaga nima močnega vpliva na minimalno vžigno energijo (MVE), kombinacija uporabe vnetljivega topila (metanola) in manjša povprečna velikost delcev pa vplivata na njeno znižanje.

Keywords:prašne eksplozije, lesni prah, ekstrakcija, minimalna vžigna energija (MVE)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161052 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Isolation of tannin from wood dust and determination of the physical properties of the wood residue
The best technique for extracting tannins from wood dust with the laboratory equipment I had available was extraction under reflux. Despite the advantages of extraction with a Soxhlet apparatus, I did not opt for it due to time constraints. Vacuum filtration after extraction under reflux is the most time-consuming part of the process but can be adequately shortened by using larger filters. Of the solvents tested, a mixture of methanol and water was the most suitable because it achieved sufficient extraction of tannins without the additional problems encountered when using water alone. Analysis of the particle size shows that after extraction, the average particle size of the powder is decreased compared to the initial wood dust. The dust explosions occurred only for the wood dust that remained after the extraction with a mixture of methanol and water. No explosions occurred in the raw wood dust and also not in the wood dust residue after extraction with water. From the results, we conclude that moisture in the wood dust used does not have a strong influence on the minimal ignition energy (MIE), but the combination of the use of a combustible solvent (methanol) and the decreased average particle size causes its reduction.

Keywords:Dust explosions, wood dust, extraction, minimal ignition energy (MIE)

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