
Načrtovanje in izdelava koledarja in voščilnic s prepoznavnim ilustracijskim slogom
ID Kuhar, Nina (Author), ID Urbas, Raša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ilustracije se pojavljajo v številnih medijih z različnimi nameni, obogatitev estetskega vidika izdelka pa zagotovo predstavlja enega takšnih namenov. Prikaz ilustracij na grafičnih izdelkih pripomore k unikatni vizualni podobi, prepoznavnosti in k pritegnitvi več morebitnih kupcev. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili funkcijo in razvoj ilustracije. Opisali smo značilnosti likovnega jezika in osnove likovnega ustvarjanja s kratkim opisom osnovnih elementov v likovni teoriji. Zaradi pomembnosti in razumevanja barvnih prostorov, ki se uporabljajo v različnih končnih načinih upodobitve, posledično pa tudi pomena njihovega razlikovanja, smo omenjene vsebine podrobneje preučili. Prav tako smo podrobneje preučili razlike med vektorsko in rastrsko grafiko ter primerno programsko opremo za njihovo ustvarjanje. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela smo pridobljeno znanje uporabili in predstavili na primeru izdelanih ilustracij. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ustvariti kolekcijo digitalnih rastrskih ilustracij, ki so bile upodobljene v obliki dveh grafičnih izdelkov – seriji voščilnic in koledarju. Skozi ilustriranje smo razvili svoj prepoznavni slog, ki je čez vse izdelke skladen. Končni produkt eksperimentalnega oziroma raziskovalnega dela so torej voščilnice in koledar. Vsak izmed njih je bil obogaten z dodanim besedilom, ki vključuje besedno igro, navezujočo se na upodobljeno ilustracijo. Ilustrirali smo dvanajst parov živali z dodanimi elementi v ilustraciji, ki izdelek navezujejo na določen letni čas. Tako smo jih z asociacijo in občutkom, ki nam ga kot gledalcem daje ilustracija, lažje umestili v določene mesece koledarskega leta. Pri načrtovanju je bilo treba upoštevati končno dodelavo. Pri izdelavi koledarja je bilo pomembno upoštevati barvni prostor, saj je izdelek šel v tisk, za kar je bilo treba prilagoditi digitalne upodobitve ilustracij iz RGB barvnega prostora v CMYK barvni prostor. Prav tako smo pri načrtovanju morali upoštevati pravilne formate, postavitve in razmike med samimi elementi. Nastal je končni produkt, ki ima tako funkcionalno kot estetsko vrednost.

Keywords:ilustracija, koledar, voščilnice, rastrska grafika, CMYK barvni prostor, grafični izdelek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Desing and production of calendar and greeting cards with recognisable illustration style
Illustrations are used in many different media for different purposes, and the aesthetic aspect of product enhancement is certainly one such purpose. Displaying illustrations on graphic products contributes to an unique visual appearance, recognition and attracting more potential buyers. In this diploma thesis we have presented the function and development of illustration. We have described the characteristics of the language of art and the fundamentals of artistic creation with a brief description of the basic elements of art theory. Due to the importance and understanding of the color spaces used and the different final designs and thus the importance of differentiation, we have examined the above-mentioned contents in more detail. We also took a closer look at the differences between vector and raster graphics and the software used to create them. In the research part of the diploma thesis, we used the knowledge we have acquired and presented it using the illustrations we had created. The aim of this diploma thesis was to create a collection of digital raster illustrations, which were realized in the form of two graphic products – a series of greeting cards and a calendar. Through the illustration we have developed our own recognizable style that runs through all the products. The greeting cards and the calendar are the final product of the experimental/research work. Each of these products has been enriched with a text that contains a play on words with the illustrations shown. We have illustrated twelve pairs of animals and added elements to the illustrations that associate the products with a particular season. Through the association and the feeling that the illustration gives us as viewers, we were able to assign them in more easily to specific months of the calendar year. The final illustrations also had to be considered in the design. It was important to consider the color space when designing the calendar, as the product is intended for print. To do this, the digital design of the illustrations had to be converted from the RGB color to the CMYK color space. We also had to consider the correct formats, layouts and spacing between elements themselves during the planning phase. The result is a final product that has both functional and aesthetic value.

Keywords:illustration, calendar, greeting cards, raster graphics, CMYK colour space, graphic product

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