
Spletni pristop preprečevanja samomora mladostnikov v programu To sem jaz
ID Brišnik, Nuša (Author), ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo je zasnovano na podlagi spletnega pristopa preprečevanja samomora mladostnikov, ki so se zaupali v spletni svetovalnici programa To sem jaz. V teoretičnem delu sem začela z opisom življenjskih slogov in prostega časa mladostnikov. Nadaljevala sem s predstavitvijo duševnega zdravja mladostnikov in težav v duševnem zdravju mladostnikov. Podrobneje sem razložila tri splošne duševne motnje: depresivno in anksiozno motnjo ter motnje hranjenja. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela sem pisala o samomorilnosti med mladostniki in dejavnikih tveganj samomorilnosti. Sledile so na splošno predstavljene oblike pomoči preprečevanja samomorilnosti mladostnikov, osredotočila sem se na spletno svetovanje programa To sem jaz. Po raziskovalnih vprašanjih sem poglobljeno kvalitativno analizirala sekundarne podatke, pridobljene iz uredništva spletnega portala To sem jaz. Zaradi varovanja zaupnosti v nalogo niso zajeta celotna vprašanja mladostnikov in odgovori spletnih svetovalcev, pač pa so izseki teh zapisov vključeni v odprto kodiranje, ki je sestavni del priloge. Ugotovila sem, da se mladostniki v svojih vprašanjih soočajo z dejavniki tveganj, kot so individualni, družinski in družbeni. V veliki meri se srečujejo tudi s pojavom duševnih motenj, ki jih prav tako povezujejo s tveganjem samomorilnosti. To pomeni s pojavom samomorilnih misli, samopoškodovanj in nase usmerjenimi negativnimi vedenji, kot so namen samomora, načrt zanj in poskus samomora. Vprašanja, ki so jih mladostniki postavili v spletni svetovalnici, so njihov klic na pomoč. Mladostniki so sami na začetku ali na koncu izrazili prošnjo za pomoč, saj so se znašli v negativnem začaranem krogu, iz katerega ne zmorejo. Med njimi prevladuje nevednost, kam naj se obrnejo po pomoč, zato upajo, da so se obrnili na pravi naslov. Pri tem jih svetovalci v svojih odgovorih napotijo k pogovoru s psihologi, terapevti, šolsko svetovalno službo, osebnim zdravnikom idr. Spletni svetovalci v svoje odgovore vključujejo pomembne komponente podpore in pomoči, npr. zahvalo za zaupanje, spodbujanje in empatično odzivanje. Svoje odgovore oblikujejo s perspektive moči in znanja za ravnanje, kar omogoča, da mladostnikom ponudijo opolnomočenje in znanje za iskanje rešitev. Mladostnike prosijo, naj z njimi ohranijo stik in jih spodbudijo k iskanju dodatne pomoči. Rezultati raziskave so lahko dodatno potrdilo mladostnikom in vsem ostalim, da iskanje pomoči ni sramotno in je še kako potrebno v primeru preprečevanja samomorilnosti mladih, da se poišče ustrezna pomoč s podporo. Mladostniki jo lahko prejmejo v okviru anonimnega vključevanja v spletno svetovalnico programa To sem jaz.

Keywords:tveganja samomorilnosti mladostnikov, duševno zdravje mladostnikov, pristopi preprečevanja samomorilnosti mladostnikov, spletna svetovalnica To sem jaz, komponente podpore in pomoči spletnih svetovalcev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161010 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:An Online Approach to Youth Suicide Prevention in the Program This is Me
The Master's Thesis is based on the online approach of suicide prevention of adolescents, who participated in the online counseling program This is me. In the theoretical part, I began with a description of lifestyles and definition of free time of young people. I then continued to present mental health of adolescents and mental health issues of adolescents. In more detail I presented three general mental disorders, which are depressive disorder, anxiety disorder and eating disorders. In the next part of the theoretical work, I wrote about suicide among adolescents and risk factors of suicide. It's followed by a general presentation of forms of help to prevent suicide among young people. Of course, I also focused on the online counseling of the program This is me. Within the research questions, I started with a qualitative analysis of the secondary data, which I got from the editors of the website portal This is me. To protect confidentiality, I did not include the entire questions of adolescents and the answers of the online counselors in my thesis, however I included excerpts of the questions and answers in the open coding, which is included among the appendices. Within the questions of adolescents, I identified risk factors, coined as individual, family and social. Adolescences also experience mental disorders, which are associated with the risk of suicide. These are the occurrence of suicidal thoughts, self-harm and self-directed negative behaviors, such as suicide intention, suicide plan and suicide attempt. The questions that adolescents asked in the online couseling center are their call for help. Adolescents themselves either at the beginning or at the end expressed a request for help, because they found themselves in a negative cycle that they can not get rid of. Adolescents also do not know where to turn for help and hope that they chose the right place. In their answers, the counselors encourage adolescents to talk with psychologists, therapists, the school counseling service, a personal doctor and others. Online couselors include important components of support and help in their responses, such as thanking for trust, encouragment and empathic response. In their responses they include perspective of power and knowledge to act, which enables them to offer adolescent the empowerment and knowledge to find solutions. Online counselors ask young people to stay in touch with them and encourage them to seek additional help. The results of the research could be an additional confirmation for adolescnets and everyone else that seeking help is not shameful and that it is necessary to find appropriate help and support in the case of youth suicide prevention. Adolescents can receive it as part of anonymous inclusion in the online counseling of the program This is me.

Keywords:the risks of adolescents suicide, mental health of adolescents, approaches to adolescent suicide prevention, online consultancy This is me, components of support and help of online counselers

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