
Razvoj sistemskega modela korozije in tvorbe pasivacijske plasti na jeklenih bipolarnih ploščah skladov gorivnih celic s protonsko izmenjevalno membrano
ID Čelan, Matjaž (Author), ID Katrašnik, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Korozija kovinskih bipolarnih plošč gorivne celice s protonsko izmenjevalno membrano je eden od temeljnih težav, s katerimi se sistemi te vrste soočajo in vpliva na njene kratkoročne izgube ter dolgoročno degradacijo in končno odpoved. Pasivacija je dvostranski problem, ki v osnovi pomeni zaščito bipolarne plošče pred nadaljnjim korodiranjem, a hkrati poveča ohmske izgube, zaradi česar gorivna celica dosega slabše zmogljivostne karakteristike. V nalogi je teoretično predstavljena možna izbira korozijsko odpornih materialov za bipolarne plošče in mehanizmi izgub ter teorije degradacije, ki se nanašajo na bipolarne plošče same ter na medsebojno povezavo degradacije komponent (Fentonov mehanizem). S pomočjo modela točkovnih napak II. generacije (PDM-II) naloga razvije 1D + 1D model pasivacije in korozije železnih bipolarnih plošč, preko katerega lahko na katodi opazujemo termodinamsko konsistentni razvoj pasivne plasti in z njim povezane izgube ter preko raztapljanja pasivne plasti analiziramo kontaminacijo elektrolita in ob odsotnosti pasivne plasti predvidimo korozijsko delovanje. Opazimo ključen vpliv kislega okolja na razvoj korozije ter analiziramo parametre vodilne enačbe. Naloga predlaga nadaljnji razvoj modela za aplikacijo na zlitinah in na z zaščitno plastjo prekritih kovinah za bipolarne plošče.

Keywords:gorivne celice s protonsko izmenjevalno membrano, jeklene bipolarne plošče, vodik, časovno odvisna degradacija, sistemski model korozije in pasivacije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160998 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a system model of corrosion and passivation layer formation on steel bipolar plates of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks
Corrosion of the metal bipolar plates of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell is one of the fundamental problems faced by systems of this type and affects its short-term losses and long-term degradation and eventual failure. Passivation is a two-sided problem, which in one sense means protecting the bipolar plate from further corrosion, but at the same time increases the ohmic losses, due to which the fuel cell achieves worse performance characteristics. The assignment theoretically presents the possible choice of corrosion-resistant materials for bipolar plates and the loss mechanisms and degradation theories related to the bipolar plates themselves and to the interconnection of component degradation (Fenton's mechanism). Using II. Generation of point defect model (PDM-II), the task is to develop a 1D + 1D model of passivation and corrosion of iron bipolar plates, through which we can observe the thermodynamically consistent development of the passive layer on the cathode and the losses associated with it, and analyze the contamination of the electrolyte through the dissolution of the passive layer and, in the absence of the passive layer, predict corrosion operation (in the paper such a case occurs at the anode). We observe the key influence of the acidic environment on the development of corrosion and analyze the parameters of the governing equation. The paper proposes further development of the model for application on alloys and on metals covered with a coating layer for bipolar plates.

Keywords:proton exchange membrane fuel cells, steel bipolar plates, hydrogen, time dependent degradation, system model of corrosion and passivation

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