
Razstiranje vzdušja : etnofenomenološka raziskava doživljajskega ozadja v povezavi s prostorom
ID Poljšak Kus, Maša (Author), ID Kordeš, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osrednje zanimanje raziskave je doživljajsko ozadje posameznika. Doživljajsko ozadje smo prek literature navezali na pojem robne zavesti in na kognitivne ter intuitivne občutke. Nivoji doživljanja, ki jih ti pojmi skušajo opisati, se navadno skrivajo v obrobju naše pozornosti in so kot taki redkeje zavestno zaznani. Kot pomemben element doživljajskega ozadja smo uvedli doživljajsko vzdušje, ki ga smo ga skušali ujeti s pomočjo odprtega kvalitativnega raziskovalnega pristopa. Tekom raziskave smo ga razločili v ambientalno vzdušje, ki predstavlja afektivna izkustva, katera pripisujemo svetu in nam v le-tem, ter globinsko vzdušje, ki preveva našo celotno doživljajsko pokrajino. Prvobitni cilj je bilo spoznavanje z afektivnimi pokrajinami posameznika in osnovnimi gradniki vzdušja. Na doživljajskih vzorcih in dnevniških zapisih treh posameznikov smo opazovali množico afektivnih izkustev, eksistencialnih občutkov in razpoloženj. Drugotni cilj je bil opazovati odnose med vzdušjem, kot ga doživlja posameznik, vzdušjem, kot ga doživljajo drugi, posameznikovo okolico in vedenjem. Z etnofenomenološko multiplo študijo primera smo pridobili ekološko veljavne podatke o doživljanju in vedenju posameznikov v različnih okoljih, na podlagi katerih smo oblikovali predloge tega, kaj vzdušje zajema, ter kdaj in kako se pojavlja. Izluščili smo več vrst kategorij afektivnega izkustva, ki na različne načine in intenzitete gradijo naš odnos do sveta. Doživljanje naše okolice smo razvrstili v zasebno, socialno in prostorsko plast. Vsaka od plasti lahko nosi distinktne afekte, ki se razlikujejo tako v valenci kot aktivaciji, vse pa pridodajo k občutju ambientalnega vzdušja. V globinskem vzdušju smo našli dve temeljni kategoriji občutji, vznemirjenost in nevznemirjenosti, kateri povezujemo z občutji ogroženosti in varnosti, njun afektivni odtis pa pušča sledi na našem doživljajskem ozadju in ospredju.

Keywords:doživljajsko ozadje, empirična fenomenologija, etnografija, vsakdanje življenje posameznika, vzdušje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Poljšak Kus
Number of pages:73 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160986-237a7de4-1c1a-b792-c5c5-643db3c1e50d This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206731011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Uveiling of the atmosphere : etnophenomenological exploration of experiental backgound in relation to space
The central interest of this study is the background experience of an individual. Based on the literature we define background experience as fringe awareness, cognitive feelings, and intuitive feelings. Layers of experience that these concepts try to describe can usually be found in the fringe of our awareness and are as such rarely consciously perceived. As an important element of background experience, we introduced atmosphere, which we tried to capture using an open qualitative research design. During the study we separated it into ambient atmosphere, which denotes affective experience, which is felt as part of the world and us-in-the-world, and deep atmosphere, which pervades our whole experiential landscape. Our primary goal was to map the affective landscapes and recognize atmospheric cornerstones. Through samples of experience and diary entries of three individuals we observed plethora of affective experiences, existential feelings, and moods. Secondary objective was to observe relations between atmosphere as perceived by an individual, atmosphere as perceived by others, their environment and behaviour. With ethnophenomenological multiple case study we gathered ecologically valid data on experience and behaviour of our participants in different environments, based on which we proposed key features of atmosphere and where and how it appears. We extracted and coined multiple categories of affective experience, which build our relation to the world in different ways and with different intensities. We divided the experience of our environment into private, social, and spatial layer. Each of the layers can hold distinctive affects, which differ both in valence and activation, but each contributing to the feeling of ambient atmosphere. We noted two fundamental subcategories of deep atmosphere, perturbation, and unconcern, which we connect with feelings of danger and safety. We note that their affective character imprints both our experiential background and foreground.

Keywords:atmosphere, empirical phenomenology, ethnography, everyday life of an individual, experiential background

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