
Povezanost med rabo interneta in samoregulativnim učenjem pri mlajših mladostnikih : doktorska disertacija
ID Opaka, Martina (Author), ID Tancig, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okolju, kjer smo nenehno povezani z internetom, ima samoregulativno učenje velik pomen. Raziskave pa ugotavljajo, da imajo lahko učenci, ki pogosteje uporabljajo internet in so z njim pogosteje večopravilni, slabše šolske ocene in težave na področju izvršilnih funkcij, ki so osnova samoregulativnega učenja. Raziskav, ki bi neposredno povezovale rabo interneta in samoregulativno učenje, je malo, večinoma se osredotočajo na študentsko in odraslo populacijo. Tudi drugih raziskav samoregulativnega učenja, ki bi se ukvarjale z mlajšimi mladostniki, primanjkuje. Namen doktorskega dela je prispevati k razumevanju povezav med samoregulativnim učenjem in rabo interneta med mlajšimi mladostniki. V teoretičnem uvodu poskušamo na osnovi relevantne literature opredeliti internet in digitalne tehnologije, pri čemer je poudarek na težavah, ki jih pri tem srečamo. Iz raziskav, ki vključujejo mlajše mladostnike, so povzete karakteristike rabe interneta pri tej starostni skupini. Glede na to, da nas zanima raba interneta v kontekstu učenja, se osredotočamo na internet kot cilj, orodje in distrakcijo učenja. Prav tako je v teoretičnem uvodu opredeljeno samoregulativno učenje. Pojasnjene so teoretične podlage koncepta, navedene njegove komponente, na kratko so predstavljeni in primerjani različni modeli samoregulativnega učenja. Posebej so predstavljene specifike samoregulativnega učenja, ki veljajo za mlajše mladostnike. V sklepnem poglavju teoretičnega uvoda sledi pregled raziskav, ki jim je uspelo povezati posamezne komponente samoregulativnega učenja ali samoregulativno učenje kot celoto z rabo interneta oz. digitalnih tehnologij. V raziskavi je uporabljen empirični kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop z deskriptivno in neeksperimentalno kavzalno metodo. Podatki o rabi interneta in samoregulativnem učenju so zbrani z anketiranjem, uporabljeni so vprašalniki in ocenjevalne lestvice. Podatke so podali mlajši mladostniki (N = 317), ki obiskujejo 6., 7. in 8. razred osnovne šole, njihovi starši in učitelji. Ker je bilo anketiranje za eno leto prekinjeno zaradi epidemije kovida-19, je pridobljeni vzorec nehomogen in posledično razdeljen na dva ločena vzorca – vzorec, ki je v raziskavi sodeloval pred epidemijo (N = 104), in vzorec, ki je v raziskavi sodeloval po epidemiji (N = 213). Statistične analize so opravljene za vsak vzorec posebej. Podatki ponujajo vpogled v način, kako internet uporabljajo mlajši mladostniki. Fantje in dekleta interneta ne uporabljajo na enak način. S starostjo se raba interneta krepi. Raba interneta je povezana tudi s socialno-ekonomskim statusom družine mlajšega mladostnika in njegovim učnim uspehom. Obstajajo povezave s samoregulativnim učenjem. Mlajši mladostniki, ki so z rabo interneta začeli prej v življenju in ki ga pogosteje uporabljajo za zabavo, se učijo manj samoregulativno. Težave imajo zlasti na motivacijskem področju. Slabšo imajo tudi samoučinkovitost. Kot posebej problematična se v kontekstu samoregulativnega učenja kaže z internetom povezana večopravilnost. Po drugi strani pa je raba interneta za šolo s samoregulativnim učenjem povezana pozitivno. Posebej izstopajo proaktivne dejavnosti, ki jih mlajši mladostnik ne izvaja po izrecnem navodilu učitelja. Ugotovljeno je, da imajo pri rabi interneta in samoregulativnem učenju pomembno vlogo odnos, ki ga ima mlajši mladostniki do interneta, in družinska pravila o njegovi rabi. Posebej so opisane nekatere specifike, ki veljajo za mlajše mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami ali učnimi težavami.

Keywords:samoregulativno učenje, raba interneta, mlajši mladostniki, večopravilnost, samoučinkovitost
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Lešnjak Opaka
Number of pages:XV, 350 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160982-110eaacf-2f6a-bb05-a2e1-9fa6c93a0741 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206736131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between internet use and self-regulated learning in early adolescents
In an environment where we are constantly connected to the Internet, self-regulated learning is of great importance. However, research shows that students who use the Internet and multitask with it more often than others can have lower grades and greater difficulties in the executive functions that underpin self-regulated learning. Research directly linking Internet use and self-regulated learning is scarce and mostly focuses on student and adult populations, with a lack of research on early adolescents. The aim of this PhD thesis is thus to contribute to the understanding of the links between self-regulated learning and Internet use among this population. The theoretical introduction attempts to define the Internet and digital technologies on the basis of the relevant literature, with a critical focus on the difficulties met when trying to define them. The characteristics of Internet use in early adolescence are summarised from research involving this age group. Given that we are interested in the use of the Internet in the context of learning, the use of the Internet as a goal, tool and distraction in learning is described. Self-regulated learning is also defined in the theoretical introduction. The theoretical foundations of the concept are explained, its components are listed, and different models of self-regulated learning are briefly presented and compared. In particular, the specifics of self-regulated learning in early adolescence are presented. In the final section of the theoretical introduction, a review of research that has succeeded in linking the various components of self-regulated learning – or self-regulated learning as a whole – to the use of the Internet or digital technologies is given. The study adopts an empirical quantitative research approach using descriptive and non-experimental causal methods. Data on Internet use and self-regulated learning are collected through a survey, with the use of questionnaires and rating scales. The data were provided by early adolescents (N = 317) attending the 6th, 7th and 8th grades of primary school, their parents and teachers. As the survey was interrupted for one year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus the resulting sample is non-homogeneous and consequently divided into two separate samples – a pre-pandemic sample (N = 104) and a post-pandemic sample (N = 213) – statistical analyses are performed separately for each sample. The data offer insights into the way early adolescents use the Internet. Boys and girls do not use the Internet in the same way, Internet use increases with age, and Internet use is also related to the socio-economic status of the younger adolescent's family and his/her educational performance, and there are links with self-regulated learning. Early adolescents who started using the Internet earlier in life and who use the Internet more often for fun are less self-regulated learners. They have particular difficulties in the motivational domain, and also have poorer self-efficacy. Internet-related multitasking appears to be particularly problematic in relation to self-regulated learning. On the other hand, Internet use for school is positively related to self-regulated learning. Proactive activities that are not carried out by the early adolescent on the explicit instructions of the teacher stand out in particular in this context. The attitudes of early adolescents towards the Internet and family rules on its use are found to play an important role in Internet use and self-regulated learning. Some specific findings that apply to early adolescents with special needs or learning difficulties are described.

Keywords:self-regulated learning, Internet use, early adolescents, multitasking, self-efficacy

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