
Fond Statistika izseljencev za leto 1940 – kaj nam povedo ohranjeni dokumenti
ID Bakan, Zala (Author), ID Balkovec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo na podlagi analize izbranega arhivskega fonda obravnava izseljevanje ljudi iz slovenskega etničnega prostora v zahodnoevropske države v letu 1940. Predstavljeni so glavni pojmi, ki se pojavljajo v diskurzu o preseljevanju in selitvah. Na kratko so opisane množične selitve, ki so bile vzporednica in sestavni del takratnih modernih in tehnoloških sprememb v svetu. Delo natančneje obravnava okoliščine in odnos do priseljencev v Nemčiji in Franciji, saj so podatki iz obravnavanega arhivskega fonda pokazali, da se jih je tja izselilo največ. Rezultati analize omenjenih podatkov in dokumentov so razdeljeni na dva dela. Prvi del obravnava analizo vprašalnih listov, ki so morali biti izpolnjeni pred odhodom izseljencev. Drugi del pa predstavlja analizo podatkov iz različnih seznamov izseljencev iz leta 1940.

Keywords:arhivski fond, izseljenci, selitve, 1940
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160972 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Fonds Emigrant statistics for the year 1940 – what preserved documents tell us
The thesis is based on the analysis of a selected archival fonds, which deals with the emigration of people from the ethnically Slovene territory to Western European countries in the year 1940. The main concepts that appear in the discourse on emigration and relocation are presented. It briefly describes the mass emigration that was a parallel and integral part of the modern and technological changes in the world at that time. Because the archive collection shows that most people emigrated to Germany and France, the thesis examines the circumstances and attitudes towards immigrants in those two countries. The results of the analysis are divided into two parts. The first part deals with the analysis of questionnaires that had to be filled before emigrants left. The second part presents an analysis of various lists of emigrants from the year 1940.

Keywords:archival fonds, emigrants, migrations, 1940

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