
Priprava načrta organizacije gradbišča v skladu z GZ-1 : diplomska naloga
ID Ikanović, Emil (Author), ID Klinc, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gradbeni projekti zahtevajo natančno načrtovanje in organizacijo za uspešno izvedbo in skladnost z zakonskimi zahtevami. Ključni del tega procesa je načrt organizacije gradbišča, ki vključuje razporeditev gradbiščnih elementov, logistiko, varnostne ukrepe in skladnost s predpisi. S sprejetjem novega Gradbenega zakona (GZ-1) se je povečala potreba po natančnejših in zakonodajno skladnih načrtih. Cilj naloge je oblikovati celovit načrt organizacije gradbišča, ki bo služil kot praktičen primer in postavil smernice za prihodnje projekte. Motivacija za izbiro te teme izhaja iz opažanj in izkušenj v gradbeni industriji, kjer se načrti organizacije gradbišča pogosto ne upoštevajo dovolj, kar vodi do neučinkovitosti, povečane nevarnosti za delavce in neoptimalne rabe prostora. Priprava te naloge je pomembna zaradi prehoda na novo zakonodajo, ki prinaša bistvene spremembe in zahteve. Načrt organizacije gradbišča je pomemben zaradi učinkovite organizacije, zagotavljanja varnosti in zdravja delavcev, prilagoditve specifičnim pogojem gradbišča, varovanja okolice, tehnoloških faz in potrditve načrta s strani investitorja. V nalogi je opravljena primerjava Pravilnika o gradbiščih in prihajajoče Uredbe o gradbiščih ter predstavljene praktične izkušnje z gradbiščem Palača Cukrarna v Ljubljani. Na podlagi te raziskave je jasno, da dobro pripravljen načrt organizacije gradbišča prispeva k boljši organizaciji dela, povečani varnosti in boljši učinkovitosti na gradbiščih. S to nalogo želimo spodbuditi uporabo in razumevanje teh načrtov v gradbeni industriji, kar bo izboljšalo kakovost dela in olajšalo delovne procese, s čimer bo koristilo celotni gradbeni ekipi.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, gradbeništvo, načrt organizacije gradbišča, gradbeni zakon, pravilnik o gradbiščih, uredba o gradbiščih, gradbišče palača cukrarna
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[ E. Ikanović]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datotek PDF (XIV, 32 str., 9 str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160968-226be74c-3a92-6922-0bac-7b13e59f4cf9 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207313155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a site organisation plan in compliance with the Building Act (GZ-1) : graduation thesis
Construction projects require precise planning and organization to ensure successful execution and compliance with legal requirements. A critical part of this process is the construction site organization plan, which includes the arrangement of site elements, logistics, safety measures, and regulatory compliance. With the adoption of the new Building Act (GZ-1), the need for more precise and legally compliant plans has increased. The objective of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive construction site organization plan that will serve as a practical example and guideline for future projects. The motivation for choosing this topic stems from observations and experiences in the construction industry, where site organization plans are often inadequately followed, leading to inefficiencies, increased safety risks for workers, and suboptimal use of space. This thesis is particularly significant due to the transition to new legislation, which introduces essential changes and requirements. The construction site organization plan is crucial for effective organization, ensuring worker safety and health, adapting to specific site conditions, protecting the surrounding environment, managing technological phases, and obtaining approval from investors. The thesis compares the current Construction Site Regulation with the upcoming Regulation on Construction Sites and presents practical experiences with the Palača Cukrarna construction site in Ljubljana. The research clearly shows that a well-prepared construction site organization plan contributes to better work organization, increased safety, and improved efficiency on construction sites. This thesis aims to encourage the use and understanding of these plans in the construction industry, thereby enhancing work quality and streamlining processes, ultimately benefiting the entire construction team.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, construction site organisation plan, building act (GZ-1), regulations on construction sites, Palace Cukrarna

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