
Projektiranje poteka kolesarske povezave med krožnim križiščem v Šmarju in križiščem Kvedrove in Savske ceste : diplomska naloga
ID Mrgole, Domen (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prometne povezave so pomembni del našega vsakdana, zato je potreba po obsežni raziskavi in dobrem načrtovanju projekta prioritetna. Trajnostni razvoj se je z razcvetom motornega vozila upočasnil, vendar se v zadnjih leti prebuja in se tako vsakodnevno povečuje hkrati pa vpeljuje ljudi v zeleni prehod. Potreba po zelenem prehodu pa je pripeljala do točke, kjer ljudje za svojo obliko prevoza uporabljajo javni prevoz ali pa izberejo naravi prijazna prevozna sredstva, t. i. kolesa. Vsaka sprememba pa prinese nove problematike. Z uporabo vse več alternativnih prevoznih sredstev pa je v okviru zelenega prehoda porasla potreba po obsežnejših pobudah ter izvedbah novih kolesarskih povezav v celotni Evropi. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na projektiranje manjkajočega odseka kolesarske steze na glavni vpadnici v središče mesta Sevnica. V uvodnem delu diplomskega dela se naloga osredotoča na analizo obstoječega stanja in identifikacijo pomanjkljivosti, katere so ključne za varnost v prometu. V nadaljevanju pa sledi predstavitev in analiza različnih idej oz. variant kolesarske steze, katere bi lahko vpeljali v obstoječe stanje. Na podlagi analiz smo izbrali najustreznejšo varianto, katera vsebuje določene projektne rešitve, ki pripomorejo k večji varnosti za vse udeležence cestnega prometa.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, gradbeništvo, kolesarska povezava, prometna varnost, projektiranje ceste, rekonstrukcija, kolesarska steza, trajnostni razvoj, Sevnica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Mrgole]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datotek PDF (XVI, 38 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160964-e4ca44a5-9ff3-d154-84bc-56928a266148 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207377155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing the route of the bicycle connection between the roundabout in Šmarje and the intersection of Kvedrova and Savska streets : graduation thesis
Traffic connections are an important part of our everyday life, hence the need for extensive research and good project planning is a priority. Sustainable development slowed down with the rise of motor vehicles, but in recent years it has been reawakening and thus increasing daily while also introducing people to the green transition. The need for a green transition has led to a point where people use public transport or choose environmentally friendly means of transportation, such as bicycles, for their mode of transport. However, each change brings new issues. With the increasing use of alternative means of transportation within the green transition, the need for more extensive initiatives and the implementation of new cycling connections throughout Europe has grown. The thesis focuses on designing the missing section of the bicycle path on the main access road to the center of Sevnica. In the introductory part of the thesis, the focus is on analyzing the current situation and identifying deficiencies that are crucial for traffic safety. This is followed by the presentation and analysis of various ideas or variants of the bicycle path that could be implemented in the existing situation. Based on the analyses, we selected the most suitable variant, which includes certain project solutions that contribute to greater safety for all road users.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, bicycle connection, traffic safety, road design, reconstruction, bicycle path, sustainable development, Sevnica

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