
Analiza skladnosti dveh vzorčnih medicinskih radioloških preiskav s standardom DICOM
ID Plaskan, Jurij (Author), ID Mraz, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujoči diplomski nalogi opišemo enega pomembnejših standardov za izmenjavo medicinskih podatkov DICOM. Razložimo podrobnosti podatkovnih struktur, ki jih standard definira, kako se te podatkovne strukture povezujejo s preostalimi standardi za izmenjavo medicinskih podatkov ter na kratko opišemo zgodovino razvoja standarda. Poleg samega opisa standarda tudi analiziramo skladnost dveh vzorčnih radioloških preiskav s standardom DICOM na podlagi pravil, ki jih standard določa v dokumentaciji. Obrazložimo kako smo pridobili posamezne oslikave v DICOM standardiziranem formatu iz CD ploščkov vzorčnih preiskav, njihovo strukturo, ter poiščemo morebitne neskladnosti s standardom v samem zapisu. Ker je standard DICOM precej razširljiv in ohlapen na koncu preverimo tudi to, če so v različnih pregledovalnikih DICOM slik (nekaterih licenčnih ter nekaterih brez-licenčnih) vidni enaki podatki o izvedenih preiskavah.

Keywords:DICOM standard, radiološke preiskave, prenos medicinskih podatkov, pregledovalniki DICOM oslikav, skladnost z DICOM standardom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Compliance analysis of two sample medical radiological examinations with the DICOM standard
In this thesis, we describe one of the most important standards for DICOM medical data exchange. We explain the details of the data structures defined by the standard, how these data structures relate to other medical data exchange standards, and briefly describe the history of the standard's development. In addition to the description of the standard itself, we also analyze the compliance of two sample radiological examinations with the DICOM standard based on the rules specified by the standard in the documentation. We explain how we obtained individual images in the DICOM standardized format from CD discs of sample examinations, their structure, and look for possible inconsistencies with the standard in the record itself. Since the DICOM standard is quite extensible and loose, at the end we also check if the same information about the performed examinations is visible in different DICOM image viewers (some licensed and some unlicensed).

Keywords:DICOM standard, radiological examinations, medical data transfer, DICOM image viewers, compliance with the DICOM standard

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