
Vpliv pandemije na tercialno izobraževanje v Sloveniji, Nemčiji in na Švedskem : magistrsko delo
ID Kodela, Danica (Author), ID Setnikar-Cankar, Stanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Priča smo bili pandemiji COVID-19, ki je pustila ogromne posledice ne samo na življenju posameznika, ampak na vseh področjih. Terciarni izobraževalni sistem se je soočal z velikimi izzivi, s prepovedmi oziroma z ukrepi in s prenosom osebnega pouka v digitalno obliko. V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno terciarno izobraževanje, financiranje terciarnega izobraževanja in ukrepi, ki so vplivali na izvajanje pouka na visokošolskih zavodih v Sloveniji, Nemčiji in na Švedskem. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti spreje ukrepe v času pandemije, primerjati sistem financiranja visokega šolstva in analizirati enake in različne ukrepe v Sloveniji, Nemčiji in na Švedskem. Ugotovitve kažejo, da so se vse tri države soočale z določenimi izzivi, kot so tehnične težave, financiranje študentov oziroma pomoč pri študiranju (veliko študentov je ostalo brez dodatnega zaslužka), omejitve glede izvedbe izpitov in predavanj, mobilnost študentov, spremembe v interakciji med profesorji in študenti itd. Ukrepi, ki so jih države uvedle, so bili večinoma podobni, kar pomeni, da so se države odzvale na podoben način. Nekatere razlike, ki se opazijo pri ukrepih, so študentska posojila, podaljšane prijave pri vpisu, različni meseci veljavnosti ukrepov itd. Magistrsko delo bo prispevalo k stroki zaradi same tematike, analize in primerjave ukrepov ter vpliva pandemije, obenem pa bo obravnavalo možnosti za izboljšanje pripravljenosti na krize, spremembe v izobraževalnih praksah, družbeni vpliv ter inovacije in razvoj. Raziskovalno delo je naletelo na omejitve zaradi pomanjkanja predstavljenih analiz in ocen vpliva ukrepov na visokošolsko izobraževanje.

Keywords:visokošolsko izobraževanje, sistem financiranja, ukrepi, pandemija, izzivi med pandemijo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Kodela]
Number of pages:XI, 87 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160918-63247629-12bf-340a-79c6-58006de7bedb This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206508803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of pandemic on higher education in Slovenia, Germany and Sweden
We were witnesses to the COVID-19 pandemic, which left enormous consequences not only on individual lives but across all areas. Tertiary education system faced significant challenges, prohibitions, measures, and the shift from in-person teaching to digital formats. This master's thesis focuses on tertiary education, its funding, and the measures that affected the implementation of teaching at higher education institutions in Slovenia, Germany, and Sweden. The aim of the thesis is to present collected information on the measures adopted during the pandemic, compare the higher education funding systems, and analyze similar and different measures in Slovenia, Germany, and Sweden. Findings indicate that all three countries faced certain challenges such as technical issues, student funding or assistance (many students lost additional income), restrictions on exams and lectures, student mobility, changes in interaction between professors and students, etc. The measures implemented by the countries were mostly similar, indicating that the countries responded in a similar manner. Some differences observed in the measures include: student loan options, extended enrollment application deadlines, varying durations of the measures' validity, etc. The thesis will contribute to the field due to its topic, analysis, and comparison of measures, the impact of the pandemic, while also addressing possibilities to improve crisis preparedness, changes in educational practices, societal impact, innovation, and development. The research work encountered limitations due to the lack of presented analyses and assessments of the impact of measures on higher education.

Keywords:higher education, funding system, measures, pandemic, challenges during the pandemic

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