
Elektrofiziološke in optofiziološke meritve sekrecijske aktivnosti posameznega mešička in vloga amizina: v zdravju in nevrodegeneraciji
ID Bunc, Zara (Author), ID Zorec, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ekso- in endocitoza sta ključna mehanizma, ki omogočata homeostazo evkariontskih celic. V primeru nevrodegenerativnih bolezni sta pogosto spremenjena v možganskih celicah in ju zato preučujemo. Protein amizin oz. sintaksin vezavni protein 6 (STXBP6) je protein, ki se nahaja tudi v astrocitih. Deloval naj bi kot endogeni inhibitor eksocitoze, s čimer naj bi omejeval razvoj reaktivnih astrocitov, nevrodegeneracije in nevrovnetnega stanja, kjer sodelujejo lizosomi. Fuzijo slednjih pa inhibira noradrenalin, ki se izloča iz nevronov jedra locus coeruleus. Noradrenalin naj bi prek adrenergičnih receptorjev vplival na delovanje amizina, kar smo preučevali v tej diplomski nalogi. Sestavljena je iz molekulskega kloniranja, elektrofiziologije in optofiziologije. V okviru molekulskega kloniranja smo pripravili rekombinantne konstrukte tako, da smo vektorjema pEGFP-N1_ANP-emd in PL339-pCMV_amizin-PH-EGFP izrezali zapis za zeleni fluorescenčni protein in ga zamenjali za rdečega. Tako smo pridobili vektorja pEGFP-N1_ANP-mCherry in PL339-pCMV_amizin-PH-mCherry. Te vektorje smo v nadaljevanju uporabili za (ko)transfekcijo mišjih astrocitov, kjer smo ugotavljali lokalizacijo proteina amizina in proteina ANP, ki predstavlja marker za sekrecijske mešičke. V okviru elektrofiziologije smo analizirali vpliv amizina na ekso- in endocitozo, kjer smo merili fuzijo in fisijo mešičkov prek spremljanja membranske kapacitivnosti. V primeru transfekcije celic z amizinom divjega tipa, ki se v deležu lokalizira na membrani, smo zaznali zmanjšano frekvenco eksocitotskih sekrecijskih dogodkov. Tega pa nismo zaznali v primeru transfekcije celic z mutiranim amizinom, kateremu je zaradi mutacij v aminokislinskem zaporedju lokalizacija na membrani onemogočena. V okviru optofizioloških meritev smo s pomočjo konfokalnega fluorescentnega mikroskopa pokazali lokalizacijo proteina amizina in proteina ANP v citoplazmi astrocitov.

Keywords:eksocitoza in endocitoza, astrociti, amizin, molekulsko kloniranje, elektrofiziologija, optofiziologija, nevrodegenerativne bolezni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160916 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Electrophysiological and optophysiological measurements of secretory vesicle activity and the role of amisyn: In health and neurodegeneration
Exocytosis and endocytosis are key mechanisms that maintain homeostasis in eukaryotic cells. These processes are often altered in brain cells during neurodegenerative diseases and are therefore a subject of study. The protein amisyn, also known as syntaxin-binding protein 6 (STXBP6), is expressed in astrocytes and is believed to act as an endogenous inhibitor of exocytosis. By doing so, it may limit the development of reactive astrocytes, neurodegeneration, and neuroinflammation, processes involving lysosomes. Lysosomal fusion is inhibited by norepinephrine, which is released from neurons of the locus coeruleus. Norepinephrine is thought to influence amisyn function through adrenergic receptors, a topic we explored in this thesis. Our research involved molecular cloning, electrophysiology, and optophysiology. In the molecular cloning section, we prepared recombinant constructs by excising the green fluorescent protein gene from the vectors pEGFP-N1_ANP-emd and PL339-pCMV_amisyn-PH-EGFP and replacing it with a red fluorescent marker. This yielded the vectors pEGFP-N1_ANP-mCherry and PL339-pCMV_amisyn-PH-mCherry. These vectors were subsequently used for (co)transfection of mouse astrocytes, where we investigated the localization of the amisyn protein and ANP protein, the latter serving as a marker for secretory vesicles. In the electrophysiology section, we analyzed the impact of amisyn on exocytosis and endocytosis by measuring vesicle fusion and fission through membrane capacitance recordings. In cells transfected with wild-type amisyn, which partially localizes to the membrane, we observed a decreased frequency of exocytotic secretory events. This was not observed in cells transfected with a mutant form of amisyn, where membrane localization was disrupted due to mutations in the amino acid sequence. In the optophysiological measurements, using confocal fluorescence microscopy, we demonstrated the localization of amisyn and ANP proteins within the cytoplasm of astrocytes.

Keywords:exocytosis and endocytosis, astrocytes, amisyn, molecular cloning, electrophysiology, optophysiology, neurodegenerative diseases

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