
Študij zvijanja polipeptidov s HP modelom ter primerjava s kvantnomehanskimi izračuni
ID Sušnik, Tjaša (Author), ID Hribar Lee, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zvijanje proteinov je ključni biološki proces, pri katerem dolge verige aminokislin pridobijo svojo specifično tridimenzionalno strukturo, kar je bistveno za njihovo funkcionalnost. Zelo poenostavljen teoretični model zvijanja proteinov je HP model. Ta razdeli aminokisline na hidrofobne (H) in polarne (P). HP model je koristen zaradi svoje preprostosti in omogoča preučevanje osnovnih principov zvijanja proteinov. V tej nalogi sem najprej z uporabo programa Spartan z različnimi računskimi metodami preučevala strukture peptidov, sestavljenih iz aminokislin levcina in serina. Uporabila sem molekulsko-mehansko metodo MMFF, semiempirično metodo PM3, metodo Hartree-Fock in teorijo gostotnega funkcionala. Izkazalo se je, da Spartan ni primeren za preučevanje ravnotežnih geometrij peptidov, saj ti vsebujejo preveč atomov in so računsko prezapleteni za obravnavo v Spartanu. Poleg tega so različne računske metode dale precej različne rezultate. Nato sem zvijanje peptidov preučevala še s HP modelom. V ta namen sem napisala program v Javi, ki analizira vse unikatne konformacije peptidov v 2D kvadratni mreži. Ta omogoča obravnavo tudi nekoliko daljših aminokislinskih zaporedij in brez težav analizira HP zaporedja v dolžini do 20 aminokislin. HP model se ni izkazal uspešen pri napovedovanju struktur realnih proteinov, je pa primeren za preučevanje splošnih načel, ki veljajo pri zvijanju peptidov. Daljša zaporedja z zadosti velikim deležem hidrofobnosti so imela v nativni strukturi (tisti, ki je glede na HP model energijsko najugodnejša) več H-H stikov, imela pa so tudi manjši delež nativnih struktur. Taka zaporedja so bila torej bolj selektivna pri zvijanju.

Keywords:HP model, zvijanje peptidov, kvantna mehanika, molekulska mehanika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160913 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212091395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:Study of Polypeptide Folding with the HP Model and Comparison with Quantum Mechanical Calculations
Protein folding is a crucial biological process in which long chains of amino acids acquire their specific three-dimensional structure, which is essential for their functionality. A highly simplified theoretical model of protein folding is the HP model. This model divides amino acids into hydrophobic (H) and polar (P) categories. The HP model is useful due to its simplicity and allows for the study of the basic principles of protein folding. In this work, I first studied the structures of peptides composed of the amino acids leucine and serine using various computational methods with the Spartan program. I employed the molecular mechanics method MMFF, the semi-empirical method PM3, the Hartree-Fock method, and density functional theory. It turned out that Spartan is not suitable for studying the equilibrium geometries of peptides, as they contain too many atoms and are computationally too complex for Spartan to handle. Additionally, different computational methods yielded quite different results. Then, I studied peptide folding using the HP model. For this purpose, I developed a program in Java that analyzes all unique conformations of peptides on a 2D square lattice. This program also allows for the analysis of somewhat longer amino acid sequences and can easily analyze HP sequences up to 20 amino acids in length. The HP model was not successful in predicting the structures of real proteins, but it is suitable for studying the general principles involved in peptide folding. Longer sequences with a sufficiently high proportion of hydrophobicity had more H-H contacts in the native structure (the most energetically favorable structure according to the HP model) and also had a smaller proportion of native structures. Thus, such sequences were more selective in folding.

Keywords:HP model, peptide folding, quantum mechanics, molecular mechanic

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