
Tehnična in ekonomska analiza nadgradnje sončne elektrarne “BIŠĆE” s hranilnikom električne energije
ID Prošić, Armin (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Splošni napredek na področju energetike v zadnjem desetletju, še posebej na področju tehnologij shranjevanja energije nakazuje, da bi lahko shranjevanje velikih količin energije kmalu postalo široko komercializirano. To bi prispevalo k povečanju energetske učinkovitosti, optimizaciji razmerja med proizvodnjo in porabo, zmanjšanju izgub ter posledično k ohranjanju okolja. Področje našega dela bo analiza izvedljivosti sistemov za shranjevanje energije (angl. Battery Energy Storage Systems - BESS), s poudarkom na analizi takšnih sistemov za PV elektrarno "BIŠĆE" z močjo 1 MW, ki bo postavljena na streho istoimenskega nakupovalnega parka v severozahodni Bosni. Glavni problemi, ki jih bomo obravnavali v tej diplomski nalogi, so tehnična izvedljivost in ekonomska upravičenost omenjenih sistemov. V okviru tehnične izvedljivosti smo preučili, kako lahko trenutno dostopne tehnologije učinkovito shranjujejo in sproščajo energijo, da bi zadovoljile energetske potrebe nakupovalnega parka. V okviru ekonomske upravičenosti pa smo ocenili stroškovno učinkovitost teh sistemov, vključno z izračunom donosa, vračilne dobe in skupnih prihrankov stroškov v določenih časovnih obdobjih. Upoštevali smo tudi potencialne prihodke od prodaje odvečne energije nazaj v omrežje in zaključili, da, čeprav je tehnično povsem izvedljiva, integracija sistema za shranjevanje energije s PVE "BIŠĆE" trenutno še ni ekonomsko upravičena.

Keywords:Enegetika, obnovljivi viri, fotovoltaika, baterije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160911-bcac94bc-e225-9aa2-6682-efc7165af9af This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206532099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:Technical and economic analysis of the upgrade of the Bišće solar power plant with an electric energy storage system
The general progress in the field of energy over the last decade, particularly in energy storage technologies, indicates that storing large amounts of energy could soon become widely commercialized, all with the aim of maximizing energy efficiency in the balance between production and consumption, eliminating losses, and consequently preserving the environment. The focus of our work is the feasibility analysis of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), with an emphasis on analyzing such systems for the "BIŠĆE" photovoltaic power plant with a capacity of 1MW, which will be installed on the roof of the shopping park of the same name in northwestern Bosnia. The main issues addressed in this thesis are the technical feasibility and economic viability of the mentioned systems. In terms of technical feasibility, we examined how currently available technologies can effectively store and release energy to meet the energy needs of the shopping park. Regarding economic viability, we assessed the cost-effectiveness of these systems, including calculations of returns, payback periods, and total cost savings over specific timeframes. We also considered the potential revenue from selling excess energy back to the grid and concluded that, although technically fully feasible, the integration of the energy storage system with the "BIŠĆE" photovoltaic power plant is not yet economically justified.

Keywords:energetics, renewable sources, photovoltaics, batteries.

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