
Etični pogled zdravstvenih delavcev na cepljenje proti COVID-19 : diplomsko delo
ID Nemet, Sara (Author), ID Zore, Anamarija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Perme Hajdinjak, Janja (Comentor), ID Ovijač, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pandemija COVID-19 je v mnogih državah privedla do resne preobremenitve zdravstvenega sistema, saj je bolezen imela številne nepričakovane in nepredvidljive izide. Število pacientov je hitro naraščalo in s tem tudi potreba po zajezitvi širjenja bolezni. Z uvedbo cepiv so se začela pojavljati etična vprašanja na temo cepiva in cepljenja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je osvetliti etične vidike v zvezi s cepljenjem proti COVID-19 pri zdravstvenih delavcih in dejavnike povezane z njimi. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela, ki zajema sistematični pregled strokovne, domače in tuje literature. Vključenih je 23 člankov, do katerih imamo prost dostop, so pregledni ali izvirni ter se vsebinsko ujemajo z naslovom diplomskega dela. Uporabljeni članki niso starejši od 10 let in so objavljeni od leta 2016 do 2024. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo številne razlike glede naklonjenost zdravstvenih delavcev obveznemu cepljenju proti COVID-19, te pa so glede na različne demografske lastnosti, kot so starost, spol, poklicne skupine znotraj zdravstvenega sistema, izobrazba, znanje, predhodno cepljenje proti gripi, pozitivna stališča glede cepljenja na splošno, neposredna nega pacientov in delo na oddelku za COVID-19. Obveznemu cepljenju so v večji meri nasprotovali mlajši, ženske, medicinske sestre, nižje izobraženi, posamezniki z nižjo samozavestjo glede učinkovitosti cepiva in tisti, ki se niso nameravali cepiti. Obstajajo tudi različni etični pomisleki, ki vplivajo na odločitve zdravstvenih delavcev, da prejmejo ali zavrnejo cepivo proti COVID- 19, le ti imajo pomisleke glede varnosti in učinkovitosti cepiva. Pri zdravstvenih delavcih zaznavamo vpliv osebnih čustev, institucionalnega zaupanja, točnosti informacij in dvome v varnosti cepiva. Poleg tega je poudarjen pomen usklajevanja dolžnosti skrbeti za paciente z individualnimi pravicami in avtonomijo zdravstvenih delavcev. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da se pri naklonjenosti cepljenju med zdravstvenimi delavci pojavljajo velike razlike in nasprotovanje obveznemu cepljenju je pogosto zelo visoko. Z obveznim cepljenjem so se pogosteje strinjali posamezniki, ki so se predhodno cepili proti gripi in tisti zdravstveni delavci, ki delajo z ranljivimi pacienti. Etične pomisleke, ki se pojavljajo pri cepljenju proti COVID-19, smo razdelili na nekaj skupin. Prva skupina obravnava pomisleke glede samega cepljenja – učinkovitosti cepljenja, varnosti cepljenja, potencialnih stranskih učinkov cepiva, nevarnosti cepljenja in nestrinjanja s cepljenjem. V tem sklopu se lahko izpostavijo tudi drugi etični pomisleki, kot so strah pred učinkovitostjo in varnostjo cepiva, dezinformacije o cepivih proti COVID-19, prepričanja o tem, da so v cepljenje prisiljeni in dejstvo, da zdravstveni delavci verjamejo v teorije zarote.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, COVID-19, pandemija, cepivo, etična načela, zdravstveni delavci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Nemet]
Number of pages:35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160886-6f45da43-92c3-1880-d2ca-8bc45db5cb79 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206506499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The ethical perspective of healthcare workers on vaccination against COVID-19 : diploma work
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a serious overload of health systems in many countries, as the disease has had many unexpected and unpredictable outcomes. The number of patients has increased rapidly and with it the need to control the spread of the disease. With the introduction of vaccines, ethical questions about vaccines and vaccines began to arise. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to shed light on ethical aspects related to vaccination against COVID-19 among healthcare professionals and factors related to them. Methods used: A descriptive method of work is used in the thesis, which includes a systematic review of professional, domestic and foreign literature. Twenty three articles are included, to which we have free access. They are transparent, original and correspond in their content to the title of the thesis. The articles used are are published between 2016 and 2024. Results: We found that there are a number of differences in health care professionals’ preferences for mandatory vaccination against COVID-19, depending on various demographic characteristics. Specifically age, gender, occupational groups within the health system, education, knowledge, prior influenza vaccination, positive attitudes towards vaccination in general, direct patient care, and work in the COVID-19 department. Mandatory vaccination was more likely to be opposed by younger people, women, nurses, the less educated, individuals with lower self-confidence about the effectiveness of the vaccine, and those who did not intend to get vaccinated. There are also various ethical concerns that affect healthcare professionals’ decisions to receive or refuse a COVID-19 vaccine, in particular where they have concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. In healthcare professionals, we recognise the impact of personal emotions, institutional trust, accuracy of information, and doubts about vaccine safety. In addition, the importance of reconciling the duty to care for patients with the individual rights and autonomy of health professionals is stressed. Discussion and Conclusion: We have found that there are large differences in favour of vaccination among healthcare professionals, and opposition to compulsory vaccination is often very high. Mandatory vaccinations were more likely to be accepted by individuals who had previously been vaccinated against the flu and by those healthcare professionals who work with vulnerable patients. The ethical concerns that arise with COVID-19 vaccination have been divided into several groups. The first group addresses concerns about the vaccination itself – the effectiveness of the vaccination, the safety of the vaccination, the potential side effects of the vaccine, the risks of vaccination, and disagreement with vaccination. Other ethical concerns can also be highlighted, such as fear of vaccine efficacy and safety, misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, beliefs about being forced to vaccinate, and the fact that health professionals believe conspiracy theories.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, COVID-19, pandemic, vaccine, ethical principles, health professionals

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