
Socialna omrežja ljudi z demenco v DSO Ljubljana - Bežigrad
ID Biekar, Katja (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava socialna omrežja ljudi z demenco v domu za starejše občane. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila opredelitev demence, stigmatiziranost ljudi z demenco, življenje ljudi z demenco v instituciji, značilnosti socialnega omrežja v starosti in socialno delo z ljudmi z demenco. Raziskovala sem socialna omrežja stanovalcev z demenco v Domu starejših občanov (DSO) Ljubljana - Bežigrad. Zanimala me je socialna mreža ljudi z demenco. Ugotoviti sem želela, kdo sestavlja socialno mrežo stanovalcev z demenco in kako je delovanje socialne mreže povezano s socialno integracijo ljudi z demenco v DSO Ljubljana - Bežigrad. Zanimala me je tudi vloga socialnega dela pri prepoznavanju in krepitvi socialnih mrež pri stanovalcih z demenco. Poleg tega sem raziskovala vključevanje ljudi z demenco v domske aktivnosti in tudi, kako to vpliva na socialne mreže. V kvalitativno raziskavo sem poleg devetih stanovalcev z demenco vključila tudi eno socialno delavko. Poleg intervjujev sem kot metodo zbiranja empiričnih podatkov uporabila še opazovanje. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da socialno omrežje stanovalcev sestavljajo predvsem sorodniki in prijatelji. Skupinske dejavnosti pozitivno vplivajo na socialno integracijo in počutje stanovalcev. Socialni delavci igrajo ključno vlogo pri prepoznavanju in krepitvi socialnega omrežja stanovalcev z demenco, saj aktivno spodbujajo vzpostavljanje stikov, pomagajo pri reševanju konfliktov, sodelujejo s sorodniki in zagotavljajo različne oblike pomoči ter obveščanja. Predlagam: nadaljnje raziskovanje na področju socialnih omrežij ljudi z demenco, izvedbo izobraževalnih programov za zaposlene v domu, vzpostavitev programov za učenje uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije med stanovalci in sorodniki, sodelovanje sorodnikov pri aktivnostih doma, individualizacijo podpore glede na potrebe posameznika.

Keywords:demenca, socialna omrežja, institucionalna oskrba, socialno delo.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160879 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Social networks of people with dementia in Home for older people Ljubljana- Bežigrad
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of the social networks of people with dementia in a Home for older people. In the theoretical part, I presented the definition of dementia, the stigmatization of people with dementia, the life of people with dementia in an institution, the characteristics of the social network in old age and social work with people with dementia. dementia. I researched the social networks of residents with dementia in the Home for older people Ljubljana-Bežigrad. I was interested in the social network of people with dementia. I wanted to find out who makes up the social network of residents with dementia and how the operation of the social network is related to the social integration of people with dementia in in Home for older people Ljubljana-Bežigrad. I was also interested in the role of social work in identifying and strengthening social networks for residents with dementia. In addition, I researched the inclusion of people with dementia in home activities and how this affects social networks. In addition to nine residents with dementia, I also included one social worker in the qualitative research. Besides interviews, I also used observation as a method of collecting empirical data. The results of the survey show that the residents' social network consists primarily of relatives and friends. Group activities have a positive effect on the social integration and well-being of residents. Social workers play a key role in identifying and strengthening the social networks of residents with dementia, as they actively encourage the establishment of contacts, help resolve conflicts, cooperate with relatives and provide various forms of assistance and information. I suggest: further research in the field of social networks of people with dementia; implementation of training programs for staff; establishing programs for learning to use technology among residents and relatives; participation of relatives in activities at home; individualization of support according to individual needs.

Keywords:dementia, social networks, institutional care, social work.

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